2.絶対値と相対値(Please be showing absolute values as same as relative values.)
3.経済学は心理学(Economics sounds psychology.)
4.可愛いは正義(Cute is justice.)
5.あなたの精神年齢は?(Be check your EQ.)
6.リスクがあると動けない大人たち(No pain no gain.)
7.老いては子に従え(Be guided by your children when you are old.)
8.機会損失って知ってます?(Japanese people don't know about opportunity loss.)
9.皆んなが私のオンリーワン(Everyone is only one and my precious one.)
10.同じ時代に生まれて嬉しい(I'm happy to be born in the same era as you.)
11.恩送り(I want to do something to repay him through people.)
12.感謝の心(Have a grateful.)
13.好きです(My Suki mean is respect, not love.)
14.明るく元気に全力で(Be bright and cheerful with all your might.)
15.自分OK他人OK(My motto is "I'm OK, You're OK".)
16.人間一人では生きられない(Be thankful for everything in the world.)
17.かづのは建築家です(I'm Architect "INTJ-A" at MBTI diagnosis.)