日米韓 関係と慰安婦問題 updated
日本は「20万人をさらって性奴隷に」などしていない。慰安婦のほとんどは売春婦だった ― これは歴史的事実である。そもそも「20万人拉致して性奴隷にした」というストーリーは、反日分子が言い出したことだ。また、20万人という数字についても証拠となる史料は存在しない。
「ヨーロッパとアジアで米軍が大規模な強姦をした」などという誤った認識に基づいて 米国大統領が謝罪したら、国立アーリントン墓地をブルドーザーで整地してしまうのと同じくらい退役軍人を貶めることになる。
同様にこの謝罪は、安倍晋三首相が 靖国神社をブルドーザーで整地してしまうようなものだ。
だが、過酷な戦闘を3度も体験した、ある退役米軍将校は 私とは違う考えをもっている。彼の名はアーチ-・ミヤモト(Archie Miyamoto)。
Comment from Mr. Archie Minamoto:
アーチ-・ミヤモト: 退役米陸軍中尉、朝鮮戦争に2度服務、ベトナム戦争では韓国のタイガー部隊とともに行動した。台湾の軍事顧問を2度 務めた。
もちろん、そんなことをすれば 両国の合意はお流れになり、現在 韓国が瀕している危険な状況を更に悪くする、という不幸をもたらすだろう。
だが、連合国軍の戦時中の資料には、捕獲した朝鮮人慰安婦と雇い主を尋問した結果、彼女らは雇い主と契約した売春婦で、その契約は平均 一年だと書いてある
日本軍は 慰安婦の移送や、治療が必要な場合の医療を施し、雇い主が儲けを慰安婦と平等に折半しているか、を監視した。
「朝鮮人慰安婦は拉致されたものだ」という記録は一切 無い。
韓国人は目を覚まして 現実に向き合うべきだ。
日本を敵国扱いしたり、アメリカの世論を反日に導くことで 何の利益があるというのか?
我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を応援します。
Japan-USA-Korea relations and the Comfort Women issue
Personally, I sharply disagree with PM Abe apologizing to President Park for something Japan did not do. Namely, kidnap 200,000 sex-slaves. Nearly all were prostitutes -- this is historical fact, and the 200,000 number was plucked from thin air by Japan-haters. There is no historical basis for this number.
Th apology caused some people to completely turn their backs on Shinzo Abe. I was tempted waited before saying much. A cool off period was needed for that one.
To put this into American perspective, Prime Minster Abe's apology was roughly equivalent to President Obama apologizing to another country saying in essence, yes, the US military during World War II kidnapped and held as sex-slaves 200,000 women across Europe and Asia. There were many rapes by US troops, but Soldiers also were hanged for it, and Japanese also execute some of their own troops for the same.
For a US President, the only thing more he could do to defile veterans after making a false apology of mass rape across Europe and Asia, would be to bulldoze Arlington National Cemetery.
Likewise, the only thing worse that PM Shinzo Abe can do for Japanese veterans is to bulldoze Yasukuni Jinja.
In either case, Japan or United States, if someone were to try to bulldoze Yasukuni or Arlington, I do not know what would happen, but it would be bad. If a US President tried to bulldoze Arlington, I would fly straight back to America, and no doubt many Japanese would do the same for Yasukuni.
PM Abe is doing a good job on other crucial issues but many of us are disappointed with this apology.
A retired US Army officer with three combat tours disagrees with me. His name is Archie Miyamoto. I have read many of Archie's words and greatly respect his opinions, and so Archie's opinions give me reason to pause and think.
Archie's opinion is attached and worth reading:
"Archie Miyamoto, Lt Col, U.S. Army served twice in Korea during the Korean War, and during his second tour in Vietnam served with the Korean Tiger Division. He spent two tours as a military advisor in Taiwan, his second as an advisor to says:"
Comment from Mr. Archie Minamoto:
I welcome and support the Prime Minister of Japan’s apology and the signing of the agreement with South Korea to bring final resolution to the comfort women issue.
While South Korea may have entered into this in good faith, it appears unable to overcome opposition and fulfill its obligations to comply with the spirit of the agreement and is seeking refuge in the fine print.
This, of course, places the entire agreement at risk which is very unfortunate given the dangerous situation presently facing South Korea.
Koreans find fault with Japan’s apology since it does not acknowledge military or government involvement in the recruitment of comfort women.
U.S./Allied military records of WWII, which include the interrogation of Korean comfort women and their operators, identify the women as prostitutes under contract, usually one year, with their operators.
Operators were civilians and not employees of nor paid by the Japanese military or government.
Military involvement consisted of checking credentials and setting the conditions under which the women would be allowed to conduct business.
The military provided transportation, medical treatment, and saw to it that the operators shared earnings equally with the women.
Upon repayment to operators of loans advanced to the women and termination of contract, the military provided the women return transportation to their homes. Prostitution at the time was legal and accepted.
There are no records of abduction of Korean comfort women.
Korea was an annexed part of Japan, not occupied territory.
Policemen in Korea were Koreans and there were hundreds of thousands of Koreans in the Imperial Japanese Army, some estimate as many as half a million, many as officers and even a few generals.
There were even a few kamikaze pilots.
Abduction of Korean women would not have been prudent or even possible unless Korean men are all meek cowards. To even hint at that is an insult.
The issue is now an internal problem for the Korean government to resolve with the Korean people.
Koreans must wake up to reality.
There is nothing to be gained by making an enemy of Japan or in turning American public opinion against Japan.
Without the U.S.–Japan alliance, U.S. defense of South Korea would be very costly if even possible.
A nuclear-armed North Korea is ready to pounce at any sign of weakness.
Because of Korea’s warming up to China, American attitude is changing and an increasing number of Americans are calling for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Korea.
Also, there is considerable opposition in Japan against improving Japan’s cooperation with the U.S. in the defense of other than Japan and anti-Korean sentiment is at an all-time high.
It is imperative that Koreans put the comfort women to rest and join hands in a solid U.S.-Korea-Japan Alliance or it risks once again becoming a killing field.