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ケアロボット - 高齢者 Robot for care - elderly people

2017-02-28 17:33:20 | ビジネス

ケアロボット - 高齢者
Robot for care - elderly people
Roboter für Pflege - ältere Menschen
Robot pour soins - personnes âgées


To relieve the burden on nursing-care workers: 


The Real World - markets: Japan, Europe, Asia, USA 


Key Development Areas - need for devices:


+ Wearable transfer aids
+ Non-wearable transfer aids
+ Outdoor mobility aids
+ Indoor mobility aids
+ Toileting aids
+ Bathing aids
+ Monitoring systems for nursing care homes
+ Monitoring systems for private homes





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サービス our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!


+ Business development
+ Swissness
+ Do business in Europe


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Thank you



ソーラー・エネルギー低廉な Solar energy more affordable

2017-02-27 17:49:26 | ビジネス


Solar energy more affordable
Solarenergie erschwinglicher
Énergie solaire abordable


Effective solar cells using affordable technologies, with the aim to reach a 40% efficiency:


Insolight developed a flat optical panel that directs sunrays on smaller and highly efficient solar cells, which are normally used in satellites. The technology can produce twice as much electricity for the same surface area than conventional panels. The yield (the quantity of electricity produced from the light energy received) of Insolight’s first prototype is of 36%, which could be considered as a world record, while solutions currently available on the market offer throughput of only around 18-20%.


Technology and advantages:


+ planar optical micro-tracking, consists of thin optical layers that can redirect sunlight coming from any direction towards the concentrator
+ concentrator stays at a fixed position and can be mounted like any flat solar panels
+ drastically reduce the solar cell area
+ smaller and highly efficient solar cells
+ cost improvement for competitive solar electricity


The company Insolight Sarl was founded August 2015, and is based in Lausanne, Switzerland.




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サービス our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!


+ Business development
+ Swissness
+ Do business in Europe


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Thank you









バーゼルのカーニバル, スイス Carnival of Basel, Switzerland

2017-02-23 18:18:13 | ビジネス

バーゼルのカーニバル, スイス
Carnival of Basel, Switzerland
Basler Fasnacht, Schweiz
Carnaval de Bâle, Suisse
The Carnival of Basel (German: Basler Fasnacht) is the biggest carnival in Switzerland and takes place annually between February and March in Basel. It has been listed as one of the top fifty local festivities in Europe.


The approximately 18,000 active Fasnächtler dress up in a wide variety of costumes, including a mask known as a Larve. Participants are fully concealed and must remain incognito while parading; it is considered inappropriate and a breach of protocol to identify oneself by removing the mask, other than during official breaks from the parade.


Date 2017:  Monday March 6 at exactly 4 o'clock in the morning






Have a excellent weekend and see you again next week.


Sepp Faessler







パーフェクトスポンサー - ソーシャルブランディング Perfect sponsoring - Social Branding

2017-02-20 16:50:16 | ビジネス

パーフェクトスポンサー - ソーシャルブランディング
Perfect sponsoring - Social Branding
Perfektes Sponsoring - Soziales Branding
Sponsoring parfait - Branding sociale


Picstars turns social media photos and videos into a marketing goldmine:


Picstars developed a unique technology that makes it possible for brands to be present, with their logos and advertising campaigns, on the personal social media photos and videos of their ambassadors, i.e. event visitors or employees.


Opens new doors to companies world-wide:

+ brands not only manage the content of the photos or videos
+ overview of every single interaction
+ its reach and its cost
+ live in real time
+ ambassadors, role models etc. can be compensated for the achieved reach

Picstars AG/Ltd., a well-established Software/IT Solution company, founded in spring 2014 and based in Zurich, Switzerland.




Thank you for reading


サービス our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!


+ Business development
+ Swissness
+ Do business in Europe


If you have any questions...


Thank you







Grandhotel Giessbach、スイス Grandhotel Giessbach, Switzerland

2017-02-16 17:35:29 | ビジネス

Grandhotel Giessbach、イス
Grandhotel Giessbach, Switzerland
Grandhotel Giessbach, Schweiz
Grandhotel Giessbach, Suisse


Eventful history and rich tradition :


With the nearby Giessbach Falls thundering downward over fourteen rocky ledges, this historic hotel residence is one of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring sites in Switzerland. back in 1872, the architect Davinet was commissioned to build a boldly-designed hotel complex on Lake Brienz, right next to the world-famous Giessbach Falls.




Have a lovely weekend and see you again next week.


Sepp Faessler

