Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

New Year's bonfires with lines

2007-02-19 09:29:28 | Weblog
I tried to play a little. To look up with a face of a child of the middle.

Girl A "This, give me it, Please!"

Father "Don'nt approach ther, smoke lets boil eyes. Be careful!

Girl A "I understandit. Hey, is early; ... "

The next girl B "Wow!There is smoky ... "

Look at a series of New Year's bonfires at a slide show in ↓.
You mast select "landscap" on Yahoo Photos.


1 コメント

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Hi ! (ya421)
2007-02-19 11:16:07
Now I visited your Yahoo photo album and enjoyed your nice pictures.
They are so nice !
I'll see them again.
