Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.


3 コメント

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Thanks (Nickelbird)
2006-06-06 22:11:09

To ya421

Welcome to my blog. Thank you!

An addess of My Homepage "Showyou's Homepage" was changed from now June 6th 2006.

Please update an address of before now.

Thank you continuously.      

To ロベリア

I got it at the hotel the next day by Lufthansa airline.

An addess of My Homepage "Showyou's Homepage" was changed from now June 6th 2006.

Please update an address of before now.

Thank you continuously.     

Unknown (ロベリア)
2006-06-06 20:36:32
It was too bad that your baggage didn\'t arrive.

If I had been you, I would have be confused.

When did you get back it?

Hello ! (ya421)
2006-06-06 11:15:44
I\'m looking forward to your series of traveling Germany.

I\'ll come here again !
