Crazy Dol-Fan Diary


Q&A With Dolphins Head Coach Nick Sabanその2

2005-05-15 | Weblog
Q: Can you talk about what Hudson Houck brings to your coaching staff?
A: I think one of the major things you would like to establish is to have a great coaching staff all the way around. Obviously on every staff you have some really strong, experienced guys that are going to contribute heavily to the development of players at critical positions. Hudson Houck has certainly done that in our offensive line. I think that is a developmental position for players. It is critical at every position, but especially at offensive line. There is so much technique involved, so much working together. Hudson’s experience certainly lends a lot of positives to our offensive system and schemes. He certainly categorizes and organizes our offensive system for our players so they have the ability to effectively go out and execute it. I think that is also important because confused players don’t play very well. I am really pleased with the progress that we’ve made at that position. I am pleased with the improvement of the players that we had on our team as well as some of the newer guys and how they are fitting in.

Q: What were you hoping to accomplish during the O.T.A. days the mini-camps you’ve held so far?
A: We talked about our O.T.A. days as being a learning experience for our players. That is really what we want it to be, and I think it is critical. That is why the league allows you to have an extra mini-camp, which we are going to use in the form of six extra O.T.A. days down the road in June.

First of all, I have been very pleased with the players’ attitude and their response and enthusiasm to what we are trying to do, how we are trying to do it on the field and also their understanding why it is important for us to try to do things as a team, to give us the best opportunity to have success together as a team. We have implemented a lot of new things on both sides of the ball. We are pleased with the progress that we have made. We certainly have a lot of additional things to accomplish and cover that happens in a first year learning of a system. On defense, the 4-3, 3-4 combination has gone extremely well. I think the players have bought into it. They like it. There are a lot of challenges and new things for them to learn, which makes it interesting. The upbeat tempo that we’ve implemented seems to be something that they buy into as well.

Q: How have the players responded to the things you are trying to implement?
A: I haven’t found our players here to be set in their ways. We have a lot of good football players who have played a lot of good football here. We added to them four or five new players on defense, and some draft picks. I just see a bunch of guys that are doing the best they can to try to learn what is expected of them, learn what their job is and go out and try to do it with a lot of effort and enthusiasm. Their intensity has been very good. The sense of urgency has been very good. The intelligence that our players have tried to approach to learn the system has been really even better than I hoped it would be. I haven’t seen any negative attitude by any player about anything that we are trying to do.

Q: What is happening with the secondary?
A: We’re always trying to upgrade with any football player that could help our team at any position. When we traded Pat Surtain, it was not a matter of whether we liked him as a football player or not. It was a business decision that we needed to make. We got a second-round draft pick for him and we got a good player with that pick (Matt Roth). In the secondary in general, we have two new safeties.

Will Poole was a second-year player, a developmental player at that position who hadn’t played that much. We were looking to see the best way to use him in our defense, whether it was to be a fifth defensive back, or any other way he could best contribute. His attitude toward making those adjustments was very good. It is unfortunate when players get injured. Will was playing a deep ball in practice and jumped up to make a catch. On his way up, he twisted and came down with an injury. The only reason that we haven’t made any kind of public announcement on this is because our doctors like to do the surgery and find out exactly what they are dealing with before we make any kind of announcement. When that announcement is made, it is accurate. The information is correct. There is no speculation on how long the player will be out and what our plan is going to be with him. That is exactly what we are trying to do with Will. Hopefully we can put him on PUP and maybe get him back at some point in the season. We were pleased in the progress that he was making.

Regarding the rest of the secondary, Sam Madison is the veteran holdover, but basically past that everything is up in the air with the players that we brought in here and Travis Daniels, the player that we drafted. We need some people to come to the forefront and play some good football for us at those positions. The corner position is critical to the defense. I think that is the position that probably can put limitations on what you can do on defense. What they can do determines whether or not you give up big plays. The more cornerbacks can do, the more you can create opportunities for your front seven and allow other people to make plays

