こそーりこーそり 2004年09月29日 02時00分11秒 | 日記・雑記 明日(今日?)からこそーり復活予定なんですよ。 « プラネテス第8話 | トップ | 3DMark05、リリース前にダウ... »
342 コメント コメント日が 古い順 | 新しい順 おかえり~ (gou-55) 2004-09-29 02:07:02 やっと帰ってきたね。お待ちしておりました。まぁ、自分の所の更新はサボってるんだけどね。。。 返信する あまり来ないので (デジタル) 2004-09-29 03:12:21 乗っ取ろうかと思ってました(ぉぃ 返信する ↑ (桜瀬りるか) 2004-09-29 09:23:02 n人目のデジタルさんが誕生する所でした(´ω`;) 返信する Unknown (π氏) 2004-09-29 10:11:11 コソーリと復活してもデムパがとんでますぜえ。 返信する 引きこもりの (むっしゅ) 2004-09-29 14:47:27 ○君って例の記事が現実になったものと思ってましたよ(ぉ充電期間に暖めておいた記事が怒涛のスタートを見せるわけですね(前フリ 返信する お待ちしてました~ (のびあ) 2004-09-29 22:11:09 復活おめーです^^。てっきりSP2が突然トラぶって更新できなくなったんじゃないかと思ってました:)。 返信する Unknown (sirura) 2004-09-29 23:29:43 いやはや、何も記事かいてないのに平均300pv~400pvぐらいあって嬉しい限りです。ようやっと復帰します(´ω`;)>>むっしゅいや、ない(ぉ>>のびあさんいえ、別のトラブルが…それはまた別の記事で(´ω`)ノところで僕がいないうちに何か大きな出来事とかなかったですか?例えば、出時樽さんの偽者が流行ってたりπ氏が64のセッティングに失敗したり。…例えばですよ例えば 返信する 質問 (デジタル) 2004-09-30 00:04:28 >出時樽さんの偽者が流行ってたり「出時樽さん」って誰ですか? 返信する こんばんわ! (りおし) 2004-10-13 20:43:56 私もつい昨日2.3週間の間をあけてブログに復活いたしました♪またよろしくお願いします(ぺこり) 返信する TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Jesse Villareal) 2007-04-17 10:55:19 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause... 返信する TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Jesse Villareal) 2007-04-17 10:55:41 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause... 返信する TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Jesse Villareal) 2007-04-17 10:56:09 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause... 返信する Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Armando Mayers) 2007-04-27 22:31:52 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno... 返信する Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Armando Mayers) 2007-04-27 22:32:27 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno... 返信する The first stage of a (Amarion Mortensen) 2007-04-27 22:41:25 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers... 返信する The first stage of a (Isaak Sepulveda) 2007-04-28 00:35:12 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers... 返信する Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Alden Chu) 2007-05-21 20:52:48 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno... 返信する Kong (Bryant Picard) 2007-05-23 05:06:43 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Blocker (Javier Powell) 2007-07-05 17:53:04 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Tackett (Jacob Mccue) 2007-07-05 19:57:01 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Tackett (Jacob Mccue) 2007-07-05 19:57:04 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Wertz (Ariel Cardoza) 2007-07-05 22:30:36 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Lane (Ezra Rutter) 2007-07-06 00:42:15 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Grimes (Tristin Monaco) 2007-07-06 02:12:01 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Knudsen (Pierre Cooper) 2007-07-06 02:37:06 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Borrego (Jordy Hooper) 2007-07-06 03:20:52 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Grantham (Bronson Downey) 2007-07-06 06:36:26 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Grantham (Giovani Free) 2007-07-06 07:34:14 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Sousa (Noe Fender) 2007-07-06 09:36:52 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Sousa (Noe Fender) 2007-07-06 09:37:04 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Ballard (Santos Huskey) 2007-07-06 11:24:59 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Devore (Salvador Mendes) 2007-07-06 11:42:25 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Devore (Salvador Mendes) 2007-07-06 11:42:27 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Chavis (Maurice Dickerson) 2007-07-06 12:33:51 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Kunz (Jesse Benner) 2007-07-06 13:27:20 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Jacobson (Alonzo Hardy) 2007-07-06 14:53:53 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Guest (Shane Sparks) 2007-07-06 22:12:50 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Gandy (Kody Mangum) 2007-07-07 04:11:17 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Gandy (Kody Mangum) 2007-07-07 04:11:19 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Burris (Emilio Mark) 2007-07-07 06:09:31 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Hodgson (Santiago Waugh) 2007-07-07 08:55:42 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Hodgson (Santiago Waugh) 2007-07-07 08:56:14 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Okeefe (Ian Flannery) 2007-07-07 10:41:26 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Albert (Jorge Jennings) 2007-07-07 12:42:21 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Albert (Jorge Jennings) 2007-07-07 12:42:23 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Chun (Ulises Stubblefield) 2007-07-07 13:33:01 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Newton (Kai Nielsen) 2007-07-07 14:38:24 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Nunn (Jamar Stanley) 2007-07-07 15:37:51 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Salcido (Carlo Peak) 2007-07-07 22:48:34 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Dowell (Noe Overby) 2007-07-07 23:23:36 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Pederson (Elmer Jefferson) 2007-07-08 03:19:51 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Pederson (Elmer Jefferson) 2007-07-08 03:20:58 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Burnside (Owen Fahey) 2007-07-08 08:40:41 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Burnside (Owen Fahey) 2007-07-08 08:40:43 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Jaime (Randy Hope) 2007-07-08 10:01:06 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Jaime (Randy Hope) 2007-07-08 10:01:09 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Duckett (August Littleton) 2007-07-08 11:13:58 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Duckett (August Littleton) 2007-07-08 11:14:02 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Nolen (Darian Taft) 2007-07-08 20:17:38 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Crespo (Tristen Stahl) 2007-07-08 23:31:11 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Pellegrino (Maxim Lundgren) 2007-07-09 01:20:05 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Pellegrino (Maxim Lundgren) 2007-07-09 01:21:07 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Shearer (Chandler Rains) 2007-07-09 02:01:48 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Shearer (Chandler Rains) 2007-07-09 02:02:01 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Dulaney (Anton Rickard) 2007-07-09 03:35:18 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Wolcott (Muhammad Lombardi) 2007-07-09 04:05:27 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Loy (Charles Newsome) 2007-07-09 05:17:27 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Loy (Charles Newsome) 2007-07-09 05:18:02 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Sewell (Layton Pereira) 2007-07-09 05:18:27 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Sewell (Layton Pereira) 2007-07-09 05:19:06 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Koenig (Kolby Burkhart) 2007-07-09 06:28:45 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Koenig (Kolby Burkhart) 2007-07-09 06:28:48 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Nugent (Everett Viera) 2007-07-09 07:52:42 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Nugent (Everett Viera) 2007-07-09 07:53:44 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Diggs (Ellis Portillo) 2007-07-09 09:01:13 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Diggs (Ellis Portillo) 2007-07-09 09:04:08 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Reyna (Salvador Lowell) 2007-07-09 13:45:25 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Reyna (Salvador Lowell) 2007-07-09 13:45:37 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Alaniz (Roderick Villarreal) 2007-07-09 15:22:27 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Alaniz (Roderick Villarreal) 2007-07-09 15:22:59 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Harrell (Terry Beck) 2007-07-09 16:11:27 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Harrell (Terry Beck) 2007-07-09 16:11:32 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Mcneil (Malcolm Murphy) 2007-07-09 19:17:03 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Croteau (Ryley Kuntz) 2007-07-10 06:08:30 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Byrnes (Joseph Zambrano) 2007-07-10 08:22:05 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Byrnes (Joseph Zambrano) 2007-07-10 08:22:44 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Macias (Daryl Casanova) 2007-07-10 09:23:59 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Macias (Daryl Casanova) 2007-07-10 09:24:31 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Canales (Cordell Dotson) 2007-07-10 11:31:19 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Daugherty (Kamron Chadwick) 2007-07-10 12:39:29 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Daugherty (Kamron Chadwick) 2007-07-10 12:39:32 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Gipson (Willie Pantoja) 2007-07-10 12:58:01 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Hoffmann (Willie Delacruz) 2007-07-10 13:29:24 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Hoffmann (Willie Delacruz) 2007-07-10 13:30:29 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Skeen (Kieran Wilhite) 2007-07-10 14:49:00 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Skeen (Kieran Wilhite) 2007-07-10 14:49:05 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する London (Julius Lim) 2007-07-10 18:31:06 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Dennis (Manuel Thibodeau) 2007-07-10 19:25:43 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Dennis (Manuel Thibodeau) 2007-07-10 19:25:50 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Devries (Yusuf Minton) 2007-07-10 19:46:55 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Horst (Rigoberto Swenson) 2007-07-10 21:13:17 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Horst (Rigoberto Swenson) 2007-07-10 21:13:20 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Ebert (Devyn Weeks) 2007-07-10 21:32:17 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Ebert (Devyn Weeks) 2007-07-10 21:32:20 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Mercer (Scott Fitzpatrick) 2007-07-10 21:59:42 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Lai (Luca Mcnabb) 2007-07-11 00:46:42 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Gossett (Holden Kingsbury) 2007-07-11 03:22:55 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Gossett (Holden Kingsbury) 2007-07-11 03:23:50 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Bible (Arthur Call) 2007-07-11 07:07:46 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Clancy (Jaden Roper) 2007-07-11 12:26:44 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Clancy (Jaden Roper) 2007-07-11 12:26:46 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Lott (Michael Arrington) 2007-07-11 14:20:06 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Lott (Michael Arrington) 2007-07-11 14:21:27 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Tran (Dorian Jacobsen) 2007-07-11 16:24:56 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Nelson (Josef Sierra) 2007-07-11 16:42:09 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Conti (Antony Solano) 2007-07-11 17:11:47 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Conti (Antony Solano) 2007-07-11 17:12:55 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Whittle (Frankie Bautista) 2007-07-11 17:47:59 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Merrick (Christopher Dietrich) 2007-07-11 19:01:15 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Merrick (Christopher Dietrich) 2007-07-11 19:01:17 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Gay (Dean Sharp) 2007-07-11 20:02:20 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Gay (Dean Sharp) 2007-07-11 20:02:25 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Ballinger (Agustin Low) 2007-07-11 20:53:38 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Stauffer (Jacob Vela) 2007-07-12 00:39:57 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Mccurry (Conor Gault) 2007-07-12 00:47:16 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Mccurry (Conor Gault) 2007-07-12 00:47:18 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Sipes (Rogelio Cummings) 2007-07-12 01:56:03 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Sipes (Rogelio Cummings) 2007-07-12 01:57:15 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Payton (Kadin Crenshaw) 2007-07-12 04:19:23 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Payton (Kadin Crenshaw) 2007-07-12 04:20:20 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Ferguson (Brad Goad) 2007-07-12 04:27:36 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Ferguson (Brad Goad) 2007-07-12 04:27:42 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Courtney (Marcus Amaral) 2007-07-12 06:55:00 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Courtney (Marcus Amaral) 2007-07-12 06:55:02 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Jameson (Erick Findley) 2007-07-12 08:20:01 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Ambrose (Luke Garvin) 2007-07-12 10:00:00 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Ambrose (Luke Garvin) 2007-07-12 10:00:08 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Petit (Reagan Khan) 2007-07-12 11:32:15 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Mccorkle (Kyree Tomlin) 2007-07-12 11:37:17 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Mccorkle (Kyree Tomlin) 2007-07-12 11:37:29 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Hooper (Quentin Bechtel) 2007-07-12 17:47:50 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Steward (Nathanael Lofton) 2007-07-12 18:17:01 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Reinhart (Simon Conti) 2007-07-12 19:03:50 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Reinhart (Simon Conti) 2007-07-12 19:04:30 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Gower (Irvin Stover) 2007-07-12 21:00:48 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Reis (Toby Lively) 2007-07-12 21:41:38 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Reis (Toby Lively) 2007-07-12 21:41:40 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Mccarter (Harrison Carlos) 2007-07-12 22:31:12 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Mccarter (Harrison Carlos) 2007-07-12 22:31:15 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Marvin (Jake Watt) 2007-07-12 22:55:26 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Manson (Devan Rosa) 2007-07-13 02:55:26 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Woodall (London Frasier) 2007-07-13 03:38:17 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Woodall (London Frasier) 2007-07-13 03:38:20 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Mayers (Enrique Lively) 2007-07-13 03:56:44 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Mayers (Enrique Lively) 2007-07-13 03:56:50 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Martin (Aron Shaffer) 2007-07-13 07:01:57 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Martin (Aron Shaffer) 2007-07-13 07:02:00 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Masterson (Kole Mccord) 2007-07-13 12:44:41 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Cortez (Weston Elmore) 2007-07-13 15:53:13 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Cortez (Weston Elmore) 2007-07-13 15:53:18 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Akers (Damarion Koenig) 2007-07-13 18:57:42 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Akers (Damarion Koenig) 2007-07-13 18:58:16 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Marcotte (Jacob Langdon) 2007-07-13 19:53:24 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Marcotte (Jacob Langdon) 2007-07-13 19:54:36 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Mattingly (Dale Brito) 2007-07-13 20:14:04 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Mattingly (Dale Brito) 2007-07-13 20:14:36 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Huston (Chaim Greer) 2007-07-13 20:43:01 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Huston (Chaim Greer) 2007-07-13 20:43:44 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Hargrove (Kale Boston) 2007-07-13 23:21:15 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Hargrove (Kale Boston) 2007-07-13 23:22:27 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Linn (Ernesto Contreras) 2007-07-13 23:45:10 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Phelan (Tristian Cunningham) 2007-07-14 01:47:05 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Mccall (Phoenix Roller) 2007-07-14 01:49:54 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Mccall (Phoenix Roller) 2007-07-14 01:51:01 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Barber (Ean Dunlap) 2007-07-14 03:42:56 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Odonnell (Kole Steel) 2007-07-14 04:34:11 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Odonnell (Kole Steel) 2007-07-14 04:34:47 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Bernhardt (Kelly Nall) 2007-07-14 06:02:02 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Mcdougall (Forrest Majors) 2007-07-14 06:07:51 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Hindman (Deshaun Shook) 2007-07-14 06:52:08 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Hindman (Deshaun Shook) 2007-07-14 06:52:47 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Martinson (Kurt Weems) 2007-07-14 09:02:45 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Martinson (Kurt Weems) 2007-07-14 09:02:52 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Foret (Moses Yanez) 2007-07-14 11:14:39 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Christiansen (Jacob Barden) 2007-07-14 13:19:20 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Moorman (Julian Kohl) 2007-07-14 13:23:32 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Hook (Reese Larson) 2007-07-14 15:38:44 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Redmon (Kevin Barbour) 2007-07-14 17:02:44 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Redmon (Kevin Barbour) 2007-07-14 17:02:50 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Nemeth (Clayton Flanders) 2007-07-14 17:37:01 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Sheridan (Devyn Romo) 2007-07-14 18:51:00 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Starnes (Franklin Fortney) 2007-07-14 18:58:22 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Pham (Luciano Stanfield) 2007-07-14 18:59:38 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Baber (Dwayne Mohr) 2007-07-14 21:08:46 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Baber (Dwayne Mohr) 2007-07-14 21:09:20 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Robb (Devante Rangel) 2007-07-14 21:44:24 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Robb (Devante Rangel) 2007-07-14 21:44:30 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Verdin (Miguel Reyes) 2007-07-14 23:19:49 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Verdin (Miguel Reyes) 2007-07-14 23:19:52 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Katz (Alonzo Hillman) 2007-07-14 23:33:54 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Katz (Alonzo Hillman) 2007-07-14 23:34:26 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Lundgren (Marcel Fabian) 2007-07-15 01:31:33 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Camp (Frank Lightner) 2007-07-15 03:56:44 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Camp (Frank Lightner) 2007-07-15 03:56:58 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Fuqua (Rylan Hargrove) 2007-07-15 04:23:30 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Logsdon (Jose Driscoll) 2007-07-15 06:12:29 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Logsdon (Jose Driscoll) 2007-07-15 06:13:09 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Harkins (Felix Reed) 2007-07-15 09:22:45 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Harkins (Felix Reed) 2007-07-15 09:22:50 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Krause (Landon Sell) 2007-07-15 11:03:17 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Noll (Luca Bigelow) 2007-07-15 13:32:17 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Noll (Luca Bigelow) 2007-07-15 13:32:49 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Adair (Hamza Dumas) 2007-07-15 14:31:26 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Adair (Hamza Dumas) 2007-07-15 14:32:32 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Siler (Peter Truitt) 2007-07-15 14:49:42 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Siler (Peter Truitt) 2007-07-15 14:49:51 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Howerton (Lee Marsh) 2007-07-15 15:10:39 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Howerton (Lee Marsh) 2007-07-15 15:10:44 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Kim (Antoine Holly) 2007-07-15 16:43:03 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Kim (Antoine Holly) 2007-07-15 16:43:05 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Oneal (Turner Grace) 2007-07-15 16:48:22 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Ferguson (Oscar Rigsby) 2007-07-15 19:24:10 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Bunnell (Easton Hackett) 2007-07-15 19:32:38 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Bright (Harley Stahl) 2007-07-15 21:40:28 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Sides (Eugene Rounds) 2007-07-16 01:40:45 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Bosley (Braden Ebert) 2007-07-16 02:09:39 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Bosley (Braden Ebert) 2007-07-16 02:09:49 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Sager (Adonis Oconnell) 2007-07-16 06:03:23 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Sager (Adonis Oconnell) 2007-07-16 06:03:59 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Paulsen (Jovani Paris) 2007-07-16 06:56:59 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Neel (Leroy Ahmad) 2007-07-16 07:42:09 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Cooks (Rey Ware) 2007-07-16 12:38:04 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Cooks (Rey Ware) 2007-07-16 12:38:07 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Will (Julian Lauer) 2007-07-16 13:57:30 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Will (Julian Lauer) 2007-07-16 13:57:33 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Pichardo (Sterling Espino) 2007-07-16 15:29:35 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Pichardo (Sterling Espino) 2007-07-16 15:29:37 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Paxton (Esteban Robb) 2007-07-16 16:00:19 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Paxton (Esteban Robb) 2007-07-16 16:00:24 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Paxton (Esteban Robb) 2007-07-16 16:00:30 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Glaser (Jayce Davidson) 2007-07-16 17:47:13 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Eastman (Keaton Parra) 2007-07-16 18:27:42 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Lew (Mohammad Hammer) 2007-07-16 18:30:48 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Lew (Mohammad Hammer) 2007-07-16 18:31:17 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Blevins (Gerald Boatman) 2007-07-16 18:57:13 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Blevins (Gerald Boatman) 2007-07-16 18:57:45 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Isom (Gregory Hilton) 2007-07-16 20:17:07 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Corbett (Earl Nye) 2007-07-16 22:51:57 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Eng (Tucker Baxley) 2007-07-16 22:55:33 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Burton (Edwin Baylor) 2007-07-17 00:32:27 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Burton (Edwin Baylor) 2007-07-17 00:32:29 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Hinds (Emmett Treadwell) 2007-07-17 01:43:06 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Hinds (Emmett Treadwell) 2007-07-17 01:43:11 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Bruce (Cael Amos) 2007-07-17 04:00:44 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Beaman (Wesley Hendon) 2007-07-17 04:07:18 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Guido (Zachery Haney) 2007-07-17 04:46:25 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Forman (Darrion Lomax) 2007-07-17 04:46:48 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Forman (Darrion Lomax) 2007-07-17 04:46:55 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Herring (Khalid Fuentes) 2007-07-17 06:38:03 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Herring (Khalid Fuentes) 2007-07-17 06:38:06 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Adam (Javion Sherman) 2007-07-17 07:04:44 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Perea (Heriberto Sherwood) 2007-07-17 07:28:08 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Perea (Heriberto Sherwood) 2007-07-17 07:28:12 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Ison (Aaron Styles) 2007-07-17 08:01:26 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Ison (Aaron Styles) 2007-07-17 08:02:06 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Caraballo (Houston Harman) 2007-07-17 08:24:23 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Caraballo (Houston Harman) 2007-07-17 08:24:58 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Bittner (Willie Tejeda) 2007-07-17 08:58:13 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Diehl (Aydan Banner) 2007-07-17 09:04:48 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Diehl (Aydan Banner) 2007-07-17 09:05:52 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Diehl (Aydan Banner) 2007-07-17 09:06:27 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Howe (Quinton Weathers) 2007-07-17 09:49:43 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Howe (Quinton Weathers) 2007-07-17 09:49:46 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Tovar (Alfredo Wickham) 2007-07-17 10:41:27 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Tovar (Alfredo Wickham) 2007-07-17 10:42:39 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Adkins (Zackery Burger) 2007-07-17 11:43:06 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Adkins (Zackery Burger) 2007-07-17 11:43:11 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Louis (Bruce Noonan) 2007-07-17 12:54:15 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Roger (Stephon Chavez) 2007-07-17 13:06:28 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Shively (Terrell Sommer) 2007-07-17 14:29:34 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Shively (Terrell Sommer) 2007-07-17 14:29:39 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Hemphill (Derrick Lemke) 2007-07-17 15:35:20 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Hemphill (Derrick Lemke) 2007-07-17 15:35:57 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Madison (Misael Youngblood) 2007-07-17 18:20:33 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Calabrese (Abdullah Horne) 2007-07-17 19:20:57 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Curtis (Kade Barringer) 2007-07-17 19:56:13 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Fairley (Salvatore Whittle) 2007-07-17 21:31:14 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Fairley (Salvatore Whittle) 2007-07-17 21:31:20 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Simmons (Emmanuel Moorman) 2007-07-18 09:03:33 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Dodson (Lawrence Necaise) 2007-07-18 10:55:20 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Moye (Kent Brinkman) 2007-07-18 11:30:30 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Moye (Kent Brinkman) 2007-07-18 11:31:06 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Lohr (Elisha Penny) 2007-07-18 13:10:50 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Bertram (Javier Younger) 2007-07-18 14:08:09 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Vergara (Johan Place) 2007-07-18 17:45:37 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Boss (Jamal Hood) 2007-07-18 19:21:19 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Boss (Jamal Hood) 2007-07-18 19:21:22 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Burrow (Hugh Neal) 2007-07-18 20:29:12 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Burrow (Hugh Neal) 2007-07-18 20:29:27 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Nunn (Emiliano William) 2007-07-18 22:31:22 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Capps (Gilbert Hill) 2007-07-18 23:50:38 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Capps (Gilbert Hill) 2007-07-18 23:50:41 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Hartmann (Alec Whitehead) 2007-07-19 00:22:41 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Swanson (Taylor Lincoln) 2007-07-19 00:54:11 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Conti (Mateo Simon) 2007-07-19 12:21:48 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Baer (Efrain Lancaster) 2007-07-19 12:32:03 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Hale (Rocky Schaffer) 2007-07-19 15:01:08 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Milner (Pablo Daniel) 2007-07-20 01:18:36 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Milner (Pablo Daniel) 2007-07-20 01:18:40 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Valenzuela (Leroy Williford) 2007-07-20 10:04:13 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Winn (Denzel Rosa) 2007-07-20 11:10:53 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Cass (Gaven Cockrell) 2007-07-20 11:30:20 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Burris (Jaron Brady) 2007-07-20 12:54:06 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Weis (Lamar Seiler) 2007-07-20 13:29:39 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Luke (Alvin Hamel) 2007-07-20 16:12:30 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Luke (Alvin Hamel) 2007-07-20 16:13:13 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Williams (Elvis Laflamme) 2007-07-20 18:58:30 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Lu (Daniel Gee) 2007-07-20 19:12:40 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Bracken (Bruno Harter) 2007-07-20 21:22:34 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Bracken (Bruno Harter) 2007-07-20 21:22:40 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Boucher (Darrion Coppola) 2007-07-20 22:28:54 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Lister (Colin Deleon) 2007-07-21 05:13:33 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Lister (Colin Deleon) 2007-07-21 05:13:46 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Clarke (Octavio Edmondson) 2007-07-21 07:25:41 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Clarke (Octavio Edmondson) 2007-07-21 07:25:44 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Burrows (Gideon Mckenna) 2007-07-21 07:35:52 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Burrows (Gideon Mckenna) 2007-07-21 07:35:54 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Mccullough (Dean Houghton) 2007-07-21 09:05:35 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Pham (Albert Tellez) 2007-07-21 16:28:22 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Pollack (Henry Segal) 2007-07-21 22:26:52 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Pollack (Henry Segal) 2007-07-21 22:27:29 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Bays (Zaire Mckeever) 2007-07-21 22:40:08 TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause. 返信する Wick (Rafael Figueroa) 2007-07-22 00:34:56 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Weddle (Mike Doran) 2007-07-22 05:29:14 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Hammonds (Frankie Guy) 2007-07-22 09:43:15 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Hammonds (Frankie Guy) 2007-07-22 09:43:34 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Curley (Bruno Blalock) 2007-07-22 11:14:01 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Clemmons (Arjun Weed) 2007-07-22 11:45:25 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Mcwilliams (Shayne Talbott) 2007-07-22 15:50:40 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Cramer (Mario Coleman) 2007-07-22 17:53:11 The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers. 返信する Keener (Ryley Clary) 2007-07-22 19:00:29 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する Keener (Ryley Clary) 2007-07-22 19:01:04 Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno. 返信する コメントをもっと見る 規約違反等の連絡