
2009-05-20 08:57:07 | 日記




J'aime l'appareil-photo. J'essaie d'ecrire avec mon Anglais pauvre. Ne veuillez pas vous aimez voir ma cellule du cerveau gris?

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2009-05-20 08:46:48 | 日記
カメラの話し、どうでもいい話、街を歩いて考えたこと、むかしの話し、お酒を飲んだ話し などです 寄り道の多い散漫な話しです。 (余り面白くないですが・・・) わたしの灰色の脳細胞を、少し、のぞいてみませんか? ボヤーっと思いついたことを綴っています。


2009-05-20 07:52:18 | 日記
Welcome to my books & camera (+ etc.) room!

on my train between house and the office, I am reading books from easy to difficult ones, each other, in some times paralelly.
I would like to write about what I feel every day or what I think of, and would like also to write about the daily (trivial) things.

I learnt and have been worked on the scientific filds. I have experience of chemistry, animal physiology, pharmacology, and environmental analysis.

one of my hobbies is taking pictures with classic-camera (cla-came) and digital-one. Especially I like old Rolleflex SL35E.

Now, I am trying to consider about Japan Culture on this HP.
J'essaie de considerer la culture Japonaise avec ce HP.
Ich erwage japanische Kultur auf diesem HP.

Thanks. Merci. Danke. 感謝 visiting my HP !