April Ascension Violet Ray 12 Ignition April 2021 Day Eight
(2021-06-14 03:51:41 | 日記)
April Ascension Violet Ray 12 Ignitio... -
Mastery Presence into Action! - Violet Ray ASCENSION 12 April 2021 Day Seven
(2021-06-14 01:17:34 | 日記)
Mastery Presence into Action! - Viole... -
Law of Manifestation - Violet Ray 12 day Ignition , Day Nine: Transcending the Wall of Illusion!
(2021-06-07 22:45:00 | 日記)
Law of Manifestation - Violet Ray 12 ... -
Arise into your eternal presence and MANIFEST AS the Law of Instantaneous - April Ascension Ray Day
(2021-06-05 23:58:12 | 日記)
Arise into your eternal presence and ... -
Mercury Retrograde , Ascension Energy and Divine Messages - Are you Listening?
(2021-05-31 04:02:17 | 日記)
Mercury Retrograde , Ascension Energy... -
Fear Polarity and Your Nervous System - You Can Master Density Fear
(2021-05-31 00:59:50 | 日記)
Fear Polarity and Your Nervous System... -
May 2021 Ascension Energy - The First Harmonic Wave of 2021 is now affecting Everything!
(2021-05-24 22:03:32 | 日記)
May 2021 Ascension Energy - The First... -
Ascended Kundalini is Rising...Discover Your Spiritual Power!
(2021-05-24 17:09:09 | 日記)
Ascended Kundalini is Rising...Discov... -
Violet Ray 12-day Ignition April 2021 Day TEN
(2021-05-10 04:39:40 | 日記)
Violet Ray 12-day Ignition April 2021... -
Violet Ray 12-Day Ignition April 2021 Day Eleven
(2021-05-10 03:00:21 | 日記)
Violet Ray 12-Day Ignition April 2021...