

Too Many Wind Turbines Causes “Dirty Air”

2019-12-04 10:01:37 | フレキシブル磁石
The plethora of wind farms added to the U.S. power grid in recent years clearly indicates the rapidly growing demand for wind power. But it is important to know what number is the limit. The scientists believe that with so many turbines running, they might start to lose power instead of generating as they begin to steal the wind created by each other.

This is similar to the experience that is faced by the sailboat captains. If the sailing is done directly downward of another boat, then there is a slowdown. This phenomenon is known as “dirty air”. The reason behind it is that the lead boat tends to create a stormy twister of air behind it when the wind spills as the boat sails. If there is “dirty air” it means there is less power. In a similar fashion the blades of wind turbines produce dirty.

Scientists have designed computer replications to understand what happens at huge wind farms. It is reported that if the wind power is to be increased to supply a major fraction of the energy demand of the world, then these “dirty air” effects will be a matter of concern but exactly how much it will matter is still unknown. This scenario has almost become a riddle for the atmospheric scientists. One must ask when the wind is so “dirty” then what is the point in building an additional turbine?

In order to reach the capacity point, vast wind farms have to be present with thousands of square miles full of turbines and custom magnets. Currently, there are 45,000 big turbines in the U.S. and that is not at all problematic.

According to the calculations of the atmospheric scientist Mark Jacobson, millions of turbines are required to get a serious amount of wind. As more and more wind farms will be set up, the complications will definitely increase. Currently, wind fulfills about 3.5 percent of the electricity requirement in the U.S. According to the wind association, the goal is to raise that to 20 percent by the year 2030. This implies that 75,000 more rare earth magnets wind turbines are required. Therefore, it is important to place the machines at a reasonable distance, to avoid this phenomenon.

For more information, please visit https://www.stanfordmagnets.com/

Disc Technology Highlights a New Frontier

2019-10-15 15:10:47 | フレキシブル磁石
The concept isn’t new but rather formalized as an accepted scientific principle in 2007 with the Nobel Prize being awarded to a European team who discovered Magnetoresistance. The concept forms around the idea that weak changes in magnetic properties develop large variations in electrical resistance. This discovery helped with the popularization of iPods as the first true reliable and long battery lasting handheld technology the world has ever seen.

The Possibilities

The ability to create such a reaction, weak variations in magnetic properties and extreme fluctuations in electrical resistance enabled engineers to establish long play battery life cycles, internal to the hardware specifications set forth by Apple. Other digital devices soon followed suit, and the Magnetoresistance enables greater flexibility in sensitive reading tools, voice coil motors, and calibrations, reducing error potential not only in handheld entertainment platforms but also in medical procedures and prosthetics.

This unique ability allows the neo magnets tools to draw data from hard drives and other similar memory functions. The decrease in utilized power sources brought changes to miniaturization, developments that make the 80s insertion of the Sony Walkman look completely blasé and uneventful. The developments have become standard in the industry in only seven years inserting its potential into the latest pairings with rare earth magnet operations.

Establishing Physics in Everyday Real Life

The Magnetoresistance revolution has become so widespread in popular technology that the industry relies on it for its storage and generative properties. Every popular culture device of the past five years utilizes the process, and it is most grandly inserted deep into industrial technologies as well. Processing speeds have increased a hundredfold in such a short time, while layered data description has sped up to allow streaming capabilities on even the most bargain-basement laptop.

Every piece of technology relies on the process, as miniaturization is the path chosen for advancements in science.

For more information, please visit https://www.stanfordmagnets.com/

The Forthcoming of Cerium Shakes the Permanent Magnet Industry

2019-03-14 13:54:36 | フレキシブル磁石
While Cerium was not linked to magnetism earlier, this rare earth element does have an influence on the permanent magnet industry. It is said that, it is higher than the influence of neodymium, dysprosium, samarium, or even terbium, which are used in rare earth magnets. This is because of a concept that we can call balancing. In other words, to reduce processing costs, miners should be able to sell rare earth that they mine and not just what is wanted the most. However, it is not possible always due to variations in demand and supply. Though interlinked, they’re independent factors and rarely meet!

The importance of demand-supply balance shouldn’t and can never be ignored, if the efforts should yield profits. Nowadays, dysprosium and neodymium business thrives, something that is not usual for the rare earth industry. Originally, lanthanum and cerium were considered important rare earth elements. When mining to get neodymium for magnet market such as circular magnets with holes, huge amounts of lanthanum and cerium are also got as by-products. This is now piling up and creating an imbalance in supply – demand.

Generally, there are two ways to restore balance. One is by creating demand by coming up with the newer applications and the other is reducing price. As for the reduction in pricing, the market always responds overwhelmingly well. Over the last fifty years, rare earth mining has moved to China. Even so, the growth and scope of rare earth elements were due to their applications. With an excess pile of Cerium accumulating, it is highly important to come up with new and innovative applications for this rare earth element. Recent attempts often mimicked rehash of older ideas and new uses are not yet identified. It is important to come up with many uses for Cerium, closely followed by lanthanum, to get rare earth elements market back on track.

For more information, please visit https://www.stanfordmagnets.com/

China intensifies economic instability of neodymium magnets in motors

2019-03-14 13:25:36 | フレキシブル磁石
Neodymium - one of the so-called rare earth metals - is an important element necessary for producing very strong permanent magnets. With a growing tendency for electrically powered automobiles magnet efficiency has become key to manufacturing high-powered electric motors. However, with China being responsible for 90% of the world’s production of neodymium and its strained economic relationship with Japan, the market situation has been quite unpredictable.

Up until the early 80s the strongest magnetic alloy had been samarium and cobalt. The development of neodymium magnets by General voice coil Motors provided a stronger, easier to manufacture, and more abundant alternative (in terms of natural deposits). With the current push to "go green" scientists and engineers are constantly concerned with solutions bringing both environmental advantages and convenient horsepower levels. With neodymium a 1kg adhesive permanent magnet is enough for an 80 horsepower engine - decent performance by today's standards. But with the prices growing tenfold in the wake of political instabilities there are alternatives being worked on.

In an attempt not to make itself dependent on China, Toyota started developing induction electric motors, which do not require permanent magnets - the source of the magnetic field are electromagnets. This solution, while less dependent on rare earth elements, has the serious drawback of requiring electricity to power the electromagnets in order to make the motor operational. This significantly reduces battery life and also makes the device itself bulkier.

With intensive research under way to develop strong permanent magnets (primarily by the ARPA-E program) there are prospects for a technological switch in the sector of electrically-powered vehicles. But given the current state of technology we are still very much dependent on neodymium and by extension on the political subtleties of commercial exchange.

For more information, please visithttps://www.stanfordmagnets.com/

Magnetic Applications in Astronomy

2018-08-30 16:56:15 | フレキシブル磁石
We already know that the earth is a huge magnet, so where does its magnetism come from? Is it ever since ancient times? How does it relate to geological conditions? What is the magnetic field in the universe?

We have seen brilliant northern lights at least in the picture. Our country has recorded the aurora borealis since ancient times. The aurora borealis is actually the result of the interaction between the particles in the solar wind and the geomagnetic field. The solar wind is a high-energy charged particle stream emitted by the sun. When they reach Earth, they interact with the Earth's magnetic field, as if an electric wire were acting in a magnetic field, causing the particles to move and gather toward the North and South Poles, and collide with the rarefied gases above the Earth, resulting in the gas molecules being excited to emit light.

Sunspots are very intense areas of magnetic activity on the sun. The outbreak of sunspots can have an impact on our lives, such as temporarily disrupting radio communications. Therefore, it is important for us to study sunspots.

Geomagnetic changes can be used to explore deposits. Because all materials have strong or weak magnetism, if they gather together to form a deposit, then it will inevitably interfere with the geomagnetic field in the vicinity of the region, making the geomagnetic anomaly. According to this, the magnetism of the earth can be measured on land, in the ocean or in the air, the geomagnetic map can be obtained, the magnetic anomaly area on the geomagnetic map can be analyzed and further exploration, often unknown mineral deposits or special geological structures can be found.

Rocks with different geological ages often have different magnetic properties. Therefore, the geological age and the crustal movement can be judged by the magnetism of the rocks.

Many mineral resources are symbiotic, that is, several minerals are mixed together, they have different magnetism. Using this feature, magnetic separators have been developed, which use different magnetic properties of minerals with different compositions and different magnetic strength to attract these substances. Then the attraction of these substances is different. As a result, the minerals with different magnetic properties mixed together can be separated and magnetic separation can be realized.

For more information, please visit https://www.usneodymiummagnets.com/