PTFE Rod is manufactured in two distinct ways, extruded PTFE Rod is the most popular and is relevant to smaller sizes, Moulded PTFE Rod is relevant to the diameters over 100mm in size, smaller sizes are also available in extruded form.
Molded PTFE rod is generally used as machining stock for all kinds of chemical, electrical and mechanical components where the outstanding performance characteristics of PTFE are required. Various fillers are available to modify the properties of PTFE to meet application requirements.
Fluoro-Plastics compression molds rods and cylinders for machining in a wide range of sizes. The most common sizes are listed in the table below, but many other combinations of OD and ID are available. Molded rods are preferred for machining because compression molding yields greater material homogeneity for the finished part.
All rods can be etched for bonding, and can be mounted on a plywood disk for less waste in machining.
All rods can be made with filled (reinforced) PTFE to enhance the performance parameters of PTFE. Materials available for reinforcement are Glass Fiber, Carbon, Graphite, Bronze, Molybdenum Disulfide, and Stainless Steel.