
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 国際刑事裁判所がフィリピン捜査の再開を認可



2023年1月27日  HRWアジア局上級調査員 カルロス H. コンデ

On Thursday, a panel of judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague authorized the Office of the Prosecutor to resume its investigation into alleged crimes against humanity in the Philippines. The judges concluded that the Philippine government failed to substantiate its assertions that it was doing enough to investigate and prosecute killings that took place during former President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration. The government had previously requested the court’s prosecutor defer the investigation to domestic authorities. 1月27日木曜日にハーグの国際刑事裁判所(以下ICC)裁判官パネルが、同裁判所の検察局にフィリピンにおける人道に対する罪疑惑に対する捜査の再開を認可した。「フィリピン政府は、前大統領ロドリゴ・ドゥテルテの政権時に起きた、殺人の捜査・起訴に向けて十分努力している、という主張を、裏付けることは出来なかった。」、と裁判官たちは結論付けた。政府は以前、同裁判所の検察官に、捜査を国内当局に任せるよう要請していた。

The ICC investigation covers alleged crimes committed from November 2011 to June 2016, when large numbers of extrajudicial killings occurred in Davao City while Duterte was mayor, and up to March 19, 2019, when the Philippines’ withdrawal from the ICC’s Rome Statute took effect during Duterte’s term as president. Although the Philippines is no longer a member of the ICC, under the Rome Statute the court retains its jurisdiction over crimes committed there prior to the country’s withdrawal.


In their decision this week, the judges stated they were “not satisfied that the Philippines is undertaking relevant investigations that would warrant a deferral of the court’s investigations,” and that the Philippine government’s domestic initiatives “assessed collectively, do not amount to tangible, concrete and progressive investigative steps in a way that would sufficiently mirror the court’s investigation.”


The decision is a severe blow to the Philippine government’s repeated attempts to hamper the ICC’s efforts by claiming national authorities were investigating the killings and questioning the court’s jurisdiction. Throughout its 42-page decision, the judges refuted the government’s arguments and in some places pointed out what amounts to Manila’s tokenistic approach to supposedly investigate the killings.


The ICC’s action is an important step toward accountability for the “drug war” killings in the Philippines, which continue to occur on a daily basis and where activists and journalists face threats, harassment, and even death for speaking out.


President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. should reverse his predecessor’s stance and actively cooperate with the ICC investigation. This would help demonstrate his government is sincere when it says  it values accountability and human rights. And it would bring “drug war” victims and their families closer to achieving a measure of justice.


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