
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ フランスでシリア高官の人道に対する罪容疑に有罪判決


5月27日 拷問&強制失踪裁判で被害者が証言

HRW通信&国際司法プログラム職員 アリス・オーティン

HRW国際司法プログラム調査助手 デビット・エスポジット

French judges convicted three Syrian senior officials for their role in the imprisonment, enforced disappearance and torture of two dual Syrian-French citizens, Patrick Dabbagh and his father Mazzen, in 2013, as well as the confiscation of their property.


On May 24, 2024, the court concluded that imprisonment, enforced disappearance and torture committed by the officials Ali Mamlouk, Jamil Hassan, and Abdel Salam Mahmoud, amounted to crimes against humanity and war crimes.


The trial at the Paris Criminal Court was held in absentia, that is without the accused present. International law disfavors but does not prohibit trials in absentia if there are safeguards in place, in particular the right for anyone convicted in absentia to a full and fair retrial, should they subsequently find themselves in custody. French law provides for this right.


Human Rights Watch observed the first day of the trial with many Syrian families, activists, and civil society groups, many bringing photographs of loved ones disappeared in Syrian prisons.


Since 2011, Human Rights Watch and others have extensively documented widespread and systematic arbitrary detention and torture by Syrian government forces in what amount to crimes against humanity. Despite ample evidence of systemic human rights abuses, including findings from UN investigations, and ongoing efforts to pursue justice in national courts in Europe and via a watershed torture case at the World Court, there is no indication the Syrian government has stopped its abusive practices or held anyone accountable for atrocities over the past decade.


The court case in Paris however serves as a sharp reminder to the Assad government that scrutiny of its long list of abuses will continue.


During the trial, the court examined the Caesar photographs of thousands of detainees who died in detention, compelling evidence of widespread torture, starvation, beatings, and disease in Syrian government detention facilities. The judges also heard from French investigators, representatives from a UN-mandated team of investigators, and from survivors. The International Federation for Human Rights, La Ligue des droits de l’homme, and Obeida Dabbagh, a relative of the victims, with the support of the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM), participated in the case and filed a complaint with French authorities in 2016.


Over 10 years since Patrick and Mazzen Dabbagh’s disappearance, their story underscores the ongoing plight of countless others who have similarly disappeared in Syria, and the anguish of loved ones who continue to seek answers regarding their fate. Much more is needed to ensure this cycle of impunity finally breaks.






(New York, August 14, 2014) – Horrific accounts by former detainees in Syria corroborate allegations of mass deaths in custody by a military defector. Four former detainees released from the Sednaya military prison in 2014 described deaths in custody and harsh prison conditions that closely match the allegations of the defector, who photographed thousands of dead bodies in military hospitals in Damascus.


In January, a team of senior international lawyers and forensic experts published a report concluding that Syrian authorities had committed systematic torture and killing of detainees.  According to the report, a military defector, code-named Caesar, had taken 55,000 photographs of an estimated 11,000 bodies in military hospitals and other locations in Damascus. The bodies showed signs of starvation, brutal beatings, strangulation, and other forms of torture and killing.


“The accounts of the four recently released detainees we interviewed lend further credibility to the already damning evidence about mass deaths in Syria’s prisons,” said Ole Solvang, senior emergencies researcher. “When the Syrian authorities are held to account, the deaths in custody will be one of the first crimes they will have to answer for.”


All four former detainees told Human Rights Watch that they had witnessed the death of fellow detainees in Sednaya prison in Damascus following a combination of beatings, torture, malnutrition, and disease. The former detainees, who were held for between 21 and 30 months, most of the time at Sednaya, described abhorrent conditions, including overcrowding, lack of food, inadequate heating and ventilation, poor medical services, and extremely poor sanitary conditions that caused detainees to develop skin diseases and diarrhea. The detainees said that they had lost significant weight during their detention. One said that he lost more than half of his body weight, weighing only 50 kilograms when he was released.


The detainees’ description of the dramatic weight loss is consistent with Caesar’s photographs, Human Rights Watch said. The bodies in the photographs are severely emaciated, with ribs and hip bones clearly visible and a hollow facial appearance. “He looked exactly like the bodies in the Caesar photos,” one former detainee said of a friend who died from diarrhea in the same cell. Human Rights Watch has reviewed some of the photographs, but has not conducted a thorough independent analysis of them.


Two of the former detainees said they had seen bodies being taken from Sednaya Prison to the Tishreen military hospital, also known as Hospital 607, in northern Damascus, corroborating Caesar’s claims that some of the bodies were collected at the hospital, where he photographed them.


One former detainee said there were seven bodies on the floor of the truck that took him to Tishreen hospital for medical treatment.  Another detainee said there were two bodies in the vehicle when he was transported to the Tishreen hospital for a second time. The hospital guards forced him to put about 20 bodies into body bags during his two stays in the hospital, he said.


The former detainees also described the prison authorities’ practice of assigning identification numbers to both prisoners and bodies when transporting them to the hospital, often writing the numbers on their foreheads. In many of the Caesar photos reviewed by Human Rights Watch somebody is holding up a sheet of paper with an identification number and in some cases the numbers were written directly on the deceased.      


The former detainees also told Human Rights Watch that they had suffered and seen horrific acts of torture, both in Sednaya and in other security service branches where they were initially detained, including the Military Intelligence branches 293, 215, the so-called Palestine branch, the Air Force Intelligence branch in Mezzeh and in the Military Intelligence branch in Latakia. In a 2012 report, Torture Archipelago, Human Rights Watch documented the widespread and systematic use of torture in 27 detention facilities run by Syria’s security services, including those five.


Spurred in part by a presentation about the Caesar photos, the United Nations Security Council, on May 22, voted on whether to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court (ICC), which would have jurisdiction to investigate alleged violations by all parties in Syria. Over 100 nongovernmental organizations urged the council to approve the resolution, more than 60 countries co-sponsored it, and 13 of the council’s 15 members voted for it. Russia and China blocked the resolution, however, using their veto-powers.


The Syrian government should allow independent international monitors and the Commission of Inquiry on Syria to visit all its detention facilities, Human Rights Watch said. Syria should also comply with Resolution 2139, which called for an end to torture in all Syrian prisons and the release of all arbitrarily detained people.


“The evidence of the Syrian government’s crimes is already well documented, but these photographs represent further strong evidence of the government’s horrible treatment of its opponents,” Solvang said. “What more compelling evidence does the Security Council need to agree to international measures to deter Syria from further crimes.”


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