2015年度、ねぶたラッセランドが4月29日オープン。ねぶた師 立田龍宝氏に協力を頂き、今年2月から取材。今回は凝縮してUP。当日、各ねぶた師の工房からラッセランドに備品・パーツ等が運び込まれた。そして、ねぶた台上げ予定日が第1のゴールとなる。
In fiscal 2015, Nebuta Lasse land start-up! April 29 Holy Land is open. Coverage from February received a cooperation to Mr. Nebuta nurses Tatsuta Ryutakara. The UP video condenses this time. On the day, parts, etc. of Nebuta is brought to Lasse land from the workshop of each Nebuta nurses. He, Nebuta of stand-up Date (2015.07.11) is the goal of the provisional.
taky0215 滝山祥一
In fiscal 2015, Nebuta Lasse land start-up! April 29 Holy Land is open. Coverage from February received a cooperation to Mr. Nebuta nurses Tatsuta Ryutakara. The UP video condenses this time. On the day, parts, etc. of Nebuta is brought to Lasse land from the workshop of each Nebuta nurses. He, Nebuta of stand-up Date (2015.07.11) is the goal of the provisional.
taky0215 滝山祥一