青森ねぶた前夜祭2017笛・鐘バトル。Aomori nebuta eve dinner festival 2017 flute · bell battle royal. 2017-08-06 08:45:29 | 日記 青森ねぶた前夜祭2017笛・鐘バトル。Aomori nebuta eve dinner festival 2017 flute · bell battle royal.
青森ねぶた2017前夜祭だよ「ブルー東京」大集合! Aomori Nebuta 2017 It is the eve of the festival "Blue Tokyo" 2017-08-05 11:06:46 | 日記 青森ねぶた2017前夜祭だよ「ブルー東京」大集合! Aomori Nebuta 2017 It is the eve of the festival "Blue Tokyo"