190831 Hongkong 2019-08-31 06:24:52 | 旅行 #Nowpraying for #peace in #Hongkong People made history. So people can make history. #飲茶 #小籠包 #点心 #中国茶 #香港幸福時間 #香港 #Silence brings us #Gold and #Happiness
190830 Hongkong 2019-08-30 05:58:23 | 旅行 #Nowpraying for #peace in #Hongkong People made history. So people can make history. #朝粥 #香港幸福時間 #香港 #Silence brings us #Gold and #happiness
190829 Hong Kong 2019-08-29 06:31:34 | 旅行 #Nowpraying for #peace in #Hongkong People made history. So people can make history. #香港歴史博物館 #学び #知性 #教養 #香港
190828 Hongkong 2019-08-28 05:26:04 | 旅行 #Nowpraying for #peace in #Hongkong People made history. So people can make history. #香港歴史博物館 #茶 #貿易 #輸出 #香港
190826 Hongkong 2019-08-26 05:40:16 | 旅行 #Nowpraying for #peace in #Hongkong People made history. So people can make history. #香港歴史博物館 #人間五福