

possibly can happen to an individual

2017-12-20 11:52:36 | 日記

You cannot grow to be 100 feet tall. If you are a Caucasian you cannot be an Asian. Your eyes cannot see atoms. If you are slow witted you will be limited in your intellectual capacity, even if you work hard to make the most of what potential you have. We come into this world with a variety of predetermined physical and psychological limitations and potentials, and life is played out within these parameters, for better or worse.

Also, what can happen to an individual is limited by the laws of Reality. At this point in time, you cannot jump and stay in the air, due to the laws of gravity that operate here on earth. You cannot physically disappear. You cannot hold your breath forever. And you cannot say "1-2-3 die" and end your life, no matter how hard you wish for that to happen.

An individual can only ever 'be and experience' what they have the capacity and potential to 'be and experience'. We are limited beyond choice by the biological and psychological capacities of the body/mind operating within the laws of Reality.

The random 'stuff of Life'

In the Life of an individual, most of what one will experience is the product of a series of random events. In other words, most of what we experience in Life in not a matter of choice. Things happen to us, beyond our choice. The body/mind we are born with, the family we were born into, the geographical location, time period, and sociopolitical environment we became a part of, are a few of many things that simply happen to us, and play a deep role in the shaping of our lives. We do not choose these factors, but they do happen to us.

Most of what is occurring and what will occur around us is simply beyond our choice. Things are happening and will happen, and we are unavoidably in the midst of things happening. Life imposes itself upon us beyond our choice.

The biased and conditioned 'me habit'

Starting at birth, as a genetically predetermined individual lives out its limitations within randomly occurring situations, events, and circumstances, the body/mind of this individual becomes deeply conditioned (habituated) by its interactions with the arising random experiences. The individual develops a conditioned 'desire system' that is based on the positive or negative outcomes of these random interactions and experiences. What's more, one interprets an experience within the biased parameters of the history of the conditioned 'me habit'. One interprets new experience through the biased lens that was determined by past experiences of the body/mind 'me habit'.

Ones past determines ones interpretation of the present, which in turn will determine the course of action one will seemingly choose. The seeming biased choices one makes is determined by past experience and the conditioned desire system that is created by these biases.

