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Incentives, Not Orders, Will Strengthen American Cybersecurity

2022-04-27 | Japan: Foreign affairs


Incentives, Not Orders, Will Strengthen American Cybersecurity: The Strengthening American Cybersecurity Act has the right goal, but achieving it will require legislation that embraces a market-based approach.

I would like tentatively to share the insights and commentary by Mr. Yameen Huq, the Director of Data & Analytics at CyberVista, LLC., a cybersecurity workforce training company. 

This past month, President Joe Biden signed into law a $1.5 trillion omnibus bill that contained the “Strengthening American Cybersecurity Act,” one of the largest cybersecurity reforms in nearly two decades. Title II of the bill, the “Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022,” contains new requirements for companies involved in federally-designated critical infrastructure—broadly defined as including everything from banks and hospitals to power grids—to provide cybersecurity incident reports to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in a timely manner. Incident reporting is vital for a secure economy; we can’t expect to protect our most important assets if we do not understand the battlefield.

