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UK casually approaching China.....

2022-03-19 | China


This time, I would like to tentatively share the analysis and insights of an international political and economic expert on China's deep intrigue and strategy.

The war between Ukraine and Russia is in the news every day, but actually behind the scenes the United Kingdom and China are moving closer together.

The British Johnson administration is talking about China as an enemy, but behind the scenes, it is casually approaching China by resuming economic talks between Britain and China.

A brief explanation of the background to this is that it involves an interest issue.

The reason is that the UK and China have a common interest in Hong Kong.

All British capital in Hong Kong is cooperating with the suppression of democracy in Hong Kong.

The current relationship between the U.K. and China shows that the U.K. and China are trying to make backroom deals.

This is the Johnson administration's way of pursuing its interests.

If the Chinese Communist Party is smart enough, it could change course and become pro-U.S. and anti-Russian. .........................

