This time I would like tentatively to share some of the insights of Dr. James Jay Carafano, Vice President, Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute, and is a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges.
His theme is:
What China Is Learning From Putin’s Ukraine Invasion.
Vladimir Putin could never rest easy without the Russian flag flying over Kyiv.
Never doubt for a second that Xi Jinping feels the same way about Taiwan.
The president of China certainly hopes, in his lifetime, to see the communist flag flutter above Taipei.
So the obvious question is whether the current conflict holds any lessons for China and its cause. It does—but they might not be the ones Beijing expected.
Putin would not have moved on Ukraine if he didn’t think a weakened, distracted and divided Europe, paired with a feckless American president, would not stand in his way. The response from Beijing, of course, was—what’s not to like? Putin was doing Xi’s dirty work for him.
A rattled Europe would be more open to Chinese efforts to expand its influence in Europe, as well as push out and marginalize the Americans.
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