(AI-generated images and non-AI-written text)
*A video will be made about the results of the spirit medium search.
Posters of government-certified victims and suspected abductees purchased from "Investigation Commission on Missing Japanese Probably Related to North Korea (COMJAN)"
In Japan, during and after the Second World War, Koreans were said to have taken over Japanese companies. In my direct lineage, there is a family that started a cement company from a huge rock that was carried to the coast by a huge tsunami that occurred during the Edo period (true story).
It is a difficult task for me, a relative, to hear from the spirit world that the above-mentioned cooperation group has gone out of their way to tell me, a member of the spirit world, that they will move the anti-social forces and take over your house.
It would be no problem if it was just a voice from the spirit world, but I have always seen the real world being directly affected by the earthbound spirits and evil spirits of the spirit world.
Usually, ancestor worship is a cult that worships the dead. Anyone who has such faith will be affected.
Until about 20 years ago, I did not have any noticeable psychic abilities.
However, in the spiritual world, it is common to hear stories of earthbound spirits (evil spirits) who were agents in life suddenly one day start to speak to people who were not spiritually sensitive, as if they were still alive agents.
It is a little different from the spiritual world, but I am tired of hearing stories of old, well-known people who still treat crimes such as "MK Ultra" as their Trump card.
They all want to talk about it, but there have long been organizations and groups in Japan that claim that invisible organizations use science and technology to kill people and corner individuals.
It may not be possible to say that everyone is like that, but since they are basically a group of self-made actors who have supported the (former) Democratic Party of Japan, some people spread the word so as not to get involved at all. Young people may not know that all they think about is killing each other.
Not limited to such a specific world, cult and occult believers act as if they are one and the same with the spirit world.
I read that because many of them are supporters of the Democratic Party, which has been destroying Japan, if they were to study abroad in the West, foreign agents would plant explosives on them (to confirm their location).
I later learned that the above-mentioned people who are destroying Japan are killing each other (called "internal guerrilla warfare" among activists). This is because I became able to see spirits in the spirit world and had the opportunity to talk to them.
I also learned from spirits in the spirit world that left-wing people are guerrilla activists who often use explosives, whether they are fighting the military, foreigners, or the state.
Western intelligence agents who died in terrorist bombings have appeared before my eyes. When I ask them, they sometimes say that they appear here because there are people related to terrorism in Japan.
In other words, because they support a party like the Democratic Party despite being Japanese, they are under surveillance by intelligence agencies of various countries.
Could it be that the groups and individuals mentioned above were retaliated against while studying abroad for past violent activities against foreign nationals?
Even so, it is quite contradictory that the representatives of organizations and groups that are complaining about crime are supporters of the Democratic Party, the party that has destroyed Japan.
Because Japanese opposition party supporters are using explosives against the activities of foreign intelligence agencies in Japan.
They are all pro-C*ina and killed each other in their lifetimes. Nothing can be hidden in the spirit world.
By the way, why is it that even people who have experienced these things for many years don't say out loud that they are spiritual phenomena? (Auditory hallucinations, etc.)
I think there is a demonic purpose behind it, to confuse people who are experiencing spiritual experiences into thinking that they are not (there are no demons).
I am a Christian who was baptized in the church, but I think it is the same as how earthbound spirits in the spirit world hate exorcists and exorcists.
They have no other choice but hell, so they just want to take as many people as possible with them. Even if there are thousands of years of history before and after the birth of the savior of mankind, these incompetent people make their own decisions.
Some of these beings look human, but are also called "messengers from hell."
Also, hell spirits, which sometimes take on human form in the spirit world, seek the sympathy of people in the real world, and want to make themselves and others believe that they are not dead (immortal) even though they are dead. Since the living people are sympathetic to this, they choose to be sacrifices themselves.
The children of such sacrificial agents are sacrificed from the moment they are born. Even though they are not blessed with good looks, they become spies who aim to have sex and interracial relationships, so they try to involve unrelated citizens. Common sense tells us that this is no longer called espionage.
It's like a life-or-death issue of ugliness = poverty business, but the world of colored people, who are on average less intelligent, will never accept this.
For example, Japanese abductees who were abducted by No*th Korea are sacrificed for a Japanese "R*ukyu" spy who wants to become Queen El*zabeth. I learned this from observing the spirit world.
Therefore, their children are sometimes forced to have sexual relations with influential people while they are still minors and their appearances are not yet determined (※Spirit world talk)
And because ugly people try to differentiate themselves by perverted acts, the torture of beautiful active spies (MI6) is also endless.
I heard from the spirit world that some minors made up lies and later committed suicide because they were scared of the magnitude of the situation. They had a Chinese secret unit torture MI6 agents, and some of the videos were for viewing. (※Spirit world talk)
I heard from the spirit world that the pro-*hin*se spy family (the oil people who have sunk the bodies of Western agents to fertilize the sea) was assassinated by a foreign (Western) intelligence agency as a whole family.
These colored spies boast (even if they are left-wing activists) about sex and orgies with Western spies. And these loose and stupid leaders will eventually be assassinated mercilessly. Because there are also super-skilled spies who do their jobs seriously.
The only reason people around the world know about this is because they have repeatedly begged Western spies for sex and borrowed pocket money from Korean spies to cross the sea, so they no longer have any shame or dignity. (※Spiritual world talk)
In the spirit world, I heard that MI6 said she was "persistent" and "had a bad mouth." She was apparently "more attractive" with makeup, but she was a woman in her 50s, neither young nor beautiful.
It's a settled precedent that's not even worth information, but the incompetents in Asia still follow the example of the adulterous spy family.
"Is this what espionage is?"
How is it different from the forced labor issue, comfort women issue, and Morikake issue that have been discussed in Japan?
I repeat, there are also super-talented spies in the world who are just doing their jobs seriously.
If you're not busy enough to get married and don't have a sense of crisis, if President Trump fires you, you can just "make a living" by doing another job to support your family.
Back to the point.
I learned after my spiritual eyes were opened that people cannot fully understand what is happening just by hearing the voice of spirits.
Until a few years ago, I never even thought about whether spirits existed or not. But after I started to see spirits, my understanding of spirits improved and I started to want to look into them.
When I found out that the story of Jesus Christ in the Bible was true, I was silently surprised for a few days, but it was the same surprise I've had since.
Perhaps that's why there is a shortage of exorcists in Italy to this day?
In the first place, if you don't have faith, it's no use, but if you can't see or talk to demons, angels, or spirits, it takes a long time to be confident in judging a situation, and I think that demons will get in the way and your work won't progress.
I also realized at one point that I could read the names of demons engraved on the demons themselves. I don't need to go through the step of making the demons tell me their names. I can just erase them quietly after reading their names.
However, I have noticed that there are disguises (extraterrestrials, etc.) that look like demons at first glance. I have heard that demons are the ones who can change their appearance at will, but that is not necessarily the case.
Usually, UFOs and aliens are considered to be the same as low-level fourth-dimensional spirits, but some aliens may be angry.
Also, I have seen people I thought were very beautiful in the West, but they turned out to be angels, fallen angels, or guardian angels. For me, it is more of a confirmation process of surprise than a clear demon appearing or talking to God as a Christian.
In the Bible, apostles appear before humans and then suddenly disappear before our eyes, and it is because of these experiences in the spirit world that I have come to think that this may also be true.
Also, spirits in the spirit world are sometimes surprised when spirits from distant times appear there.
When I talk about historical figures from hundreds of years ago, the spirits of those people sometimes appear, and the spirits laugh out loud.
Perhaps the spirits are laughing because it is too unrealistic. Even in the spirit world, they exist with such normal senses.
I hope you understand my surprise after thinking that the spirit world is a living person for the past 20 years.
For this reason, I think that modern people who cannot help but make quick judgments are not suited to work in the invisible world.
It is expected that the reason for the large number of accidents and incidents in the special world is simply because of this.
In any case, the utmost care should be taken in exorcising demons, but since exorcists kill possessed people under the guise of exorcism, do they not have the skills to perform the ritual properly as professionals?
By the way, the spirits of old European monks have appeared before me, but they are more like researchers than exorcists. They have even lent me antique books and tools. Perhaps God is showing them to me as knowledgeable advisors rather than practical instructors.
I was able to realize this because I was able to clearly see the figures and hear the voices of beings in the invisible world, and ask each of them about their circumstances individually. It is reality.
In the middle of the night in 2024, I asked the spirits about a pulse sound that came from nowhere, and they said they could hear it too. It was probably a UFO. It was a clear sound that anyone could hear if they listened carefully.
Looking back, in 2023, human spirits (who were pro-Chi*a in life) who harm the world gathered from all over the world and targeted the Vatican. And people with special abilities from all over the world were watching them. Being watched is absolute evil, and their goal is to destroy the Earth.
In an age when even extraterrestrial life forms are said to be cooperating with the survival of the Earth, there are beings like them who are lagging behind in every organization.
Therefore, playing with words by criticizing the Japanese media, the Japanese Ministry of Finance, and the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party will also encourage the individuals who belong to them to avoid personal responsibility.
They have always thought that it would be fine to leave and then reunite again. So, if they are dispersed or disbanded, they will have to think for themselves about how to solve the problem.
Many Japanese people are pro-*hin*, which is why the North Korean abduction issue has not been resolved. As mentioned above, the problem is the internal saboteurs.
Also, I was born, raised, and have a Japanese nationality, and God told me to think of Japanese people as C*inese when I see them. This is because many pro-C*i*a Japanese spies are destroying Japan.
There are countless spirits that appear before me, regardless of nationality. If I spread out the map and focus on the spirits of other countries, I can immediately connect and talk to them.
24 hours a day, 365 days a year, I am connected to the hell spirits, demons, angels, extraterrestrials, spirits of nature, and their spirits in the spirit world. When I started offering memorial services and Segaki, Buddhist gods also began to appear.
It's like I have no privacy, and in my case, I'm never completely disconnected, so it can be tiring. In other words, it's a state where the spirits are waking me up unilaterally, and sometimes they are sent by God.
I learned that since many of the spirits of people who died in real and serious ways, the response of "holding a memorial for ghosts who have regrets in this world" is unrealistic. People who are troubled by possession have no choice but to face it head on.
Many of them are spirits from hell who can only lie. Basically, you should deal with them as an exorcist.
On top of that, it is most important to pick up the voices of the few spirits of crime victims who do not lie.
At first, it was hard to understand why foreign spirits appeared. However, as I listened to their stories, I realized that most of them were anti-national MI6. You may not know this, but anti-national MI6 is like anti-social forces and kill each other.
It is not only anti-Japanese Korean spies who have carried out sabotage against Japan. In the past, I have confirmed the faces and voices of all the public officials and their collaborators who committed sabotage activities in Japan and were tortured to death in the spirit world.
They are traitorous spies born in Japan and with Japanese nationality who worked to bring about the downfall of Japan and stole from Japan during their lifetime.
You might not believe it if I told you that such spirits are still directing the downfall of the Japanese nation today.