Well-Watered Garden

...and you will be like a well-watered garden in the desert.

CEBU! Yeah!

2005-07-24 | 日々の出来事・・・
I am in Cebu, Philippine now! whew whew! my frined and I took a few days off from work and everything to stop by Cebu Island. We are on the way to Davao, Philippine for F.I. Asia-Africa Retreat... missionaries get togehter.

It's been such a refreshing... restful time here. just for 4 days, but we ve been feeling such favor of Abba Father... Lord is good! Thank you, Jesus, for such a time of refreshing.

Here things are so inexpensive.. it really shock me with my mindset of Japanese. therefore, we've been eating so much!

Jesus is so good!


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