Japanese Clan G4 / Original Clan Mist

CRYSIS2で活動中の[ G4][Mist]の活躍を綴ったブログです^^

As a result of Mist vs WIN

2012-12-02 13:31:14 | 日記

Mist 3-0 WIN

the first match Mist 56-44 WIN

the second match 40-33

the third match 75-59


The game of Mist vs. WIN was held at 11:00 p.m. of the Japan time.

teox-x_k which was a leader of WIN did not participate as sudden cancellation this time, but the clan war was just carried out.

jesse_glz20 of Mist took the first move by triple kill for a first match and got a flow. The game was a game of the Mist superiority with three games.

Mist gave glory to the first victory.

I was sorry, but expect his activity in the next game without it being possible for alone AshiqurRahman of an important force of Mist for a host error in this game whether it is participation.


Mist vs WINの試合は日本時間の午後11時に執り行われました。




