Japanese Clan G4 / Original Clan Mist

CRYSIS2で活動中の[ G4][Mist]の活躍を綴ったブログです^^

Mist vs GOD 2-1

2012-12-15 18:05:07 | 日記

Mist vs GOD


試合は4 vs 4の3set matchで行いました。





Mist vs. the GOD game was held at 16:00 on December 15 of the Japan time.

I performed the game in 4 vs. 4 3set match.

AyoGUNNER left it for a connection error on the way this time and I called enesrko123 of the helper and performed it.

Because we called a helper, it might be said that it was a fair game or did not understand it, but, in leader of GOD AVEHAMMAD, we won in GOD after having accepted it.

We Mist does not run out of an effort from now on in order to accomplish further growth either.


As a result of Mist vs WIN

2012-12-02 13:31:14 | 日記

Mist 3-0 WIN

the first match Mist 56-44 WIN

the second match 40-33

the third match 75-59


The game of Mist vs. WIN was held at 11:00 p.m. of the Japan time.

teox-x_k which was a leader of WIN did not participate as sudden cancellation this time, but the clan war was just carried out.

jesse_glz20 of Mist took the first move by triple kill for a first match and got a flow. The game was a game of the Mist superiority with three games.

Mist gave glory to the first victory.

I was sorry, but expect his activity in the next game without it being possible for alone AshiqurRahman of an important force of Mist for a host error in this game whether it is participation.


Mist vs WINの試合は日本時間の午後11時に執り行われました。




