「真狩の秋をみんなで歩こう」が 50名の参加で行われた ♪
真狩村の中を六キロ歩いて ジンギスカンと真狩温泉付き 1,000円です♪
美人の「不二子」さんは 夏は 素潜りが趣味とのこと ♪
で見られます ♪
Fujiko IN Makkari foot pass walk ♪
"I would walk the autumn of Makkari together", but was performed by the participation of 50 people ♪
6 kilos is Jingisukan and 1,000 yen with Makkari Onsen on foot in Makkari-mura ♪
Diving without diving equipment is with a hobby in the "Fujiko" summer of the beautiful woman ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪

真狩村の中を六キロ歩いて ジンギスカンと真狩温泉付き 1,000円です♪
美人の「不二子」さんは 夏は 素潜りが趣味とのこと ♪
で見られます ♪
Fujiko IN Makkari foot pass walk ♪
"I would walk the autumn of Makkari together", but was performed by the participation of 50 people ♪
6 kilos is Jingisukan and 1,000 yen with Makkari Onsen on foot in Makkari-mura ♪
Diving without diving equipment is with a hobby in the "Fujiko" summer of the beautiful woman ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪