My English Note


White House press pool will be determined by White House

2025-02-28 16:26:00 | English Topics
the White House press pool will be determined by the White House

the White House press pool ,
the pool
media outlets メディア
currently 現在
the White House Correspondents' Association、WHCA
corespondents 特派員
take turns  交代で....する
cover the president 大統領を取材する
the Oval Office 大統領執務室
aboard Air Force One 搭乗エアフォースワン
Press Secretary 報道官
A select group of DC-based journalists
have a monopoly 独占権を持つ
privilege 特権
privilege of press access  取材する特権
moving forward 今後は
Legacy media outlets レガシーメディア
issue  a statement 声明を発表する
tears at  引き裂く tear down 壊す
independence of a free press 報道の独立性
their own press corps  自分らの報道陣
normally 本来なら
streaming service ストリーミングサービス
podcast ポッドキャスト


The White House says the administration of President Donald Trump will decide which media outlets will be allowed access to the president.
Currently, journalists with the White House Correspondents' Association take turns 
covering the president in the Oval Office, aboard Air Force One and at other events.

White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt told reporters on Tuesday, 
"A select group of DC-based journalists should no longer have a monopoly over the privilege of press access at the White House."

 "Moving forward, the White House press pool will be determined by the White House press team."

"Legacy media outlets will still participate in the pool, but new voices are going to be welcomed in as well.“

The White House Correspondents' Association issued a statement saying, "This move tears at the independence of a free press in the United States," and that "In a free country, leaders must not be able to choose their own press corps.

I guess,
This administration’s move is very interesting.
I don’t agree with WHCA’s statement.
Normally, it’s wrong that The WHCA has a "monopoly" on controlling the pool.
Legacy media outlets have  never allowed new media outlets - including streaming services and podcasts - to participate the pool.


