presidential debate 大統領選討論会
withdraw 辞退する
Democratic nomination 民主党の指名
as a result 結果として
step aside 身を引く
for the good of. …の利益のため
once かつて
painful decision 痛みを伴う決定
withdraw 引っこむ、撤退する
House Democrats 米下院民主党員
president’s candidacy. 大統領選の立候補
be vocal 声をあげる
take no steps to….しようとしない
mounting concerns たかなる懸念
reach out to ..と接触する、手を差しのばす
reassure 安心させる
astounding 驚くべき(悪い)こと
inner circle 側近
overcome failure 失敗を克服する
shake Democrats 民主党を揺るがす
growing appreciation 増大する評価
new poll 新しい世論調査
registered voters 解答した有権者
cognitive health 認知の健康
be terrified by 恐ろしい
party stalwarts 党の重鎮、有力な人
former House Speaker 元下院議長
deplorable 嘆かわしい
Of course I watched the presidential debate with Biden and Trump on Monday.
It was shocking. Biden has no ability to understand or speak.
As a result, I thought Biden would withdraw from the Democratic nomination.
During these past few days, a growing number of Democratic leaders are saying they want him to step aside for the good of the party – and the country.
A Democrat said,
Once Lyndon Johnson made the painful decision to withdraw. President Biden should do the same.
Another House Democratic lawmaker said,
there’s a large and increasing group of House Democrats concerned about the president’s candidacy.
According to CNN,
Quite a few Democratic lawmakers were deeply concerned about Biden’s ability to win.
They will be increasingly vocal about their concerns if Biden doesn’t.”
However Biden has taken no steps to seriously consider the mounting concerns.
Many sources told CNN,
Biden has not reached out to Democratic Party leaders himself to reassure them or to get feedback. That’s astounding.
And Biden and his inner circle seem to think they could overcome this failure.
But actually, the debate performance has so shaken Democrats.
There has been a growing appreciation for the anger and concern many Democrats have expressed.
A new CBS/YouGov poll conducted after the debate found that 72% of registered voters now believe that Biden does not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president.
Only 28% of voters said Biden should be running for president. Some 46% of Democratic registered voters thought he should not be.
However Some Democratic officials say,
they’re terrified by nearly every scenario:
Going forward with Biden, a Kamala Harris nomination, a nomination of someone else.
Even party stalwarts,former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said
“ Just sit there and be Joe,” during an interview on MSNBC on Tuesday.
“ Show your values, show your knowledge, show your judgment.”
I guess,
Biden himself, his aides, his party officials, party stalwarts, all of them lack the ability to consider and judge about their own country and the world.
What a deplorable situation !