My English Note


Scarlett Johansson warns of 'AI misuse'

2025-03-12 10:36:00 | English Topics
Scarlett Johansson warns of 'AI misuse' 

condemn 糾弾する
antisemitism 反ユダヤ主義
the public 公衆
artificial intelligence  A I 
deepfake video  ディープフェイクビデオ
be circulated on …で流通する
be implied   暗示される
remarks  発言
racist  人種差別主義者 人種差別的
multiplied by AI   AIで増大される
call  out 呼びかける
misuse  悪用
called on 要求する
elected officials  議員=選挙で選ばれた公務員
  議員 lawmaker, member of Parliament
take legislative action  立法措置を取る
AI abuses   AI の乱用 
  権力の乱用 abuses of power
legislation 立法
address  issue 問題に対処する
keep up with 追いつく
advance  in …の進歩


Scarlett Johansson is condemning antisemitism and calling for legislation to protect the public from artificial intelligence after a deepfake video of her and other celebrities, created with the technology, widely circulated on social media this week.

The AI video were implied that Johansson and others were responding to  West’s most recent antisemitic remarks.
West, a well-known rapper, has recently made anti-Semitic and racist comments.

Johansson claims the potential for hate speech multiplied by AI is a  great threat.
She calls out the misuse of AI. 
In her statement on Wednesday, Johansson called on elected officials to take legislative action against AI  abuses.

I guess,
The Legislation to address these issues is necessary.
Our human society must keep up with the advances in AI technology.


