
Energy - Tecnology - Environment (ETE)

2020.02 Japanese Nuclear Industry Notes

2020-03-14 10:48:00 | Nuclear
Japanese nuclear industry highlights 2020.02

① Ikata nuclear power plant (伊方原発) (NPP) problems. it was reported that during the tests (1/25) where the primary energy source was lost, the power supply to the spent fuel pulls was also lost. This loss was for 43 minutes and the pull temperature raised from 33°C to 34.3°C. The specified limit is 65°C.
Yonden (四電) submitted a formal complain to the Hiroshima Court, that had ordered the full stop of the NPP.

② Rewriting of tests results (Tsuruga () NPP). Recent studies were conducted at the Tsuruga NPP to verify whether there is a geologic fault under it or not. Some key data results of the drilling test (key test) were literally erased and rewritten by Genden (原電) personal, arguing that the results did not match the observations at bare eye that were conducted after the tests.
The regulatory commission asked Genden to hand out the original results of the test and to explain why the results were changed deliberately.

③ Restart of Reactor No.2 of Onnagawa Nuclear Power Plant(女川原発). The adjustment of this reactor to the new regulations was confirmed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (規制委員会). The plant should be restarted by 2021, after finishing the antiterrorist preparations, if the approval of the local governments is gained. This reactor is a BWR, and it would be the forth reactor of this type to receive permission to restart, but could be the first to actually restart since the other three (東電柏崎刈羽6&7 and 日本夏至力発電東海第二) haven’t obtained green light from local governments.
