
元気で幸せで暮らすため いい生活習慣を身に付けまましょう

Why should the use of lead brass faucet manufacturer

2014-10-23 09:41:11 | 高齢社会

Past that single tap can not meet people all the requirements currently on the market can be divided into faucet bathtub faucet, basin faucet, kitchen faucet category. Kitchen faucet manufacturer typically use copper as the material of the faucet. Why commonly used lead-brass faucet (eg PbH59-1, PbH58-3) production? Why not use the H96 high-purity brass? The reason is simply because of high material costs it? If it is cost reasons, China Tyrant so much, also according to the different materials, lead and copper with low-end market to develop it? Whether in Europe or our country, most of them are brass faucet on the market. The main material is brass faucet copper and zinc, commonly known as brass, and its production process becomes faucets need to be added in order to improve the cutting brass small amount of lead. If the faucet is completely made of lead is not added, there will be cuts, not only the difficulty, forging, poor performance, even if the finished product, but also because of poor resistance to stress corrosion cracking caused.

The current situation with China has a big relationship, bathroom faucets in China's current standard is not high, the implementation is weak; consumption level is generally low lead consumers can not afford the price of the product, such as faucet. In production, the higher the purity of the copper, the higher the hardness and the cost price, to bring the production and processing of high hardness is difficult and the yield under the large additional cost, so as to facilitate production and reduce costs, the production of high-purity copper , also entered, add some lead. While most of China's leading copper excessive levels of lead is an indisputable fact, but in fact smaller than leaded gas highways (Guangzhou have a news, a volunteer at the highway bridge guard who committed suicide prevention, a year after suffering from blood lead Disease) . There is a background, the rise of stainless steel faucet, copper faucet to seize market share, deliberately exaggerating the dangers of lead in copper faucet in order to strengthen the competitiveness of stainless steel faucet.
If you worry about excessive lead hazards, you can pay attention to several aspects:
1 for a long time while not leading to put water before use;
2 or less to avoid drinking tap water, bathe and wash them no problem;
3 Buy the leading choice according to region, Zhejiang and Fujian faucet taps lead exceeded the majority are small workshops to large factory OEM production and, while the quality of the Guangdong region will be relatively better.

Low lead and copper (lead content less than 0.25%), mass production, improve the antibacterial properties, have reason to believe that the future is still in the best material for the manufacture of taps. Good brass faucet gravity casting! But there are some companies, especially in recent years, copper prices have soared, their pursuit of higher profits, regardless of quality, cutting corners. In fact, this does not mean that leaded faucet cause harm to humans, and only when the lead content of seriously overweight, only the harmful effects on human health.

「みつばち文庫」 寄贈先小学校を募集中|山田養蜂場|代表・山田英生

2014-10-23 09:29:46 | 高齢社会
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