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PDA application in warehouse management

2019-10-21 09:02:32 | 高齢社会

Many inventory problems often occur in business management, such as:
Whether the inventory of the goods has been sent or not managed is unclear, resulting in the loss of customers;
The amount of inventory is confusing, and orders received are often modified, resulting in inaccurate inventory quantities;
After the customer places an order, the employee needs to repeatedly confirm the quantity of the goods, occupying a large amount of working time of the logistics personnel and the library management personnel, and increasing the labor cost of communication.
Picking is a very important step for companies with warehouses. The efficiency of the enterprise warehouse picking process directly determines the daily shipments of the enterprise, which not only affects the order process, but also relates to the company's sales performance. Nowadays, many companies are carrying out employee picking in the picking process. Even if they are very skilled, they also have drawbacks, such as high dependence on old employees, high error rate and low efficiency. The use of the PDA picking system can further improve the efficiency of the picking process. The warehouse picker uses the PDA to pick up paperless jobs and scan to complete the picking. Not only can it help the picking staff to solve the difficulties in the work, but also effectively improve the efficiency and reduce the mis-picking rate of the workers, and ensure the normal operation of the picking work.
Advantages of using PDA to pick up goods
1. Improve accuracy
With the PDA picking system, the picking order is opened directly in the PDA system, and voice reminders can be turned on. The number of scan code items can be increased. The picker does not need to pick up the paper documents as before to avoid marking. The situation of man-made mistakes and mistakes has greatly improved the accuracy of picking.
2. Improve the efficiency of picking.
With the PDA picking system for paperless operations, the picker scans the picking process, making the picking process easier and more efficient.
3. Information management
The PDA picking system can record the operation information of the picker at all times, and facilitate the query operation record, so that the management personnel can grasp the import, sale and storage status of the inventory materials in real time, and realize the transparent asset management and commodity supply chain management.
4. Save time and cost, avoid human error
The picking system can collect the workload of the picker in real time, automatically count the picking performance, reduce the workload of manual statistics, improve work efficiency, not only save time cost, but also avoid human error and information that is easy to occur in manual statistics. Problems such as untimely communication.
The warehouse management of the enterprise improves the efficiency, accuracy and real-time data of the inventory through the PDA picking system, provides a large amount of data information for enterprise inventory management, and greatly improves the management efficiency of each link, thereby saving the operating cost of the enterprise.

Development and application of CNC lathe

2019-10-21 09:01:41 | 高齢社会

Numerical control technology is a method of controlling mechanical motion and machining process by using digital information. Since modern numerical control is controlled by a computer, it can be called Computerized Numerical Control (CNC).
CNC technology is a technology that uses digital information to control mechanical movement and working process. It is a new type of modern industrial production with rapid development. The numerical control equipment is a mechatronics product formed by the new technology represented by numerical control technology to the traditional manufacturing industry and the emerging manufacturing industry. Its technical scope covers: mechanical manufacturing technology, microelectronic technology, information processing, processing, Transmission technology, automatic control technology, servo drive technology, detection and monitoring technology, sensor technology, software technology, etc. CNC technology is the enabling technology and the most basic for developing emerging high-tech industries and cutting-edge industries. It has outstanding advantages in improving productivity, reducing costs, ensuring processing quality and improving individual labor intensity.
The CNC lathe with automatic tool changer is called the machining center. It can complete the multi-process machining in one time by the automatic exchange of the tools, thus shortening the auxiliary machining time and improving the efficiency and machining accuracy of the machine.
With the development trend of technology, modern machinery manufacturing requires continuous improvement of the form and structure of products, and the requirements for the quality of parts processing are getting higher and higher. Especially with the rapid development of FMCS and the rise and maturity of CIMS, it is proposed for CNC lathes. With higher requirements, modern CNC lathes are moving toward higher intelligence, higher speed, higher precision, higher reliability, higher automation and more functions.

Masonry and masonry of industrial boilers

2019-10-21 09:00:39 | 高齢社会

Industrial boilers are pressure-bearing equipment with explosion hazard. Therefore, its design, manufacture, installation quality and operation management level are closely related to people's life and property safety. The boiler installation unit must hold the boiler installation license that matches the level of the installed boiler. In the installation process of the boiler, it must be carried out in strict accordance with the procedures, and the construction record of the boiler installation should be completed.
First, the masonry structure of industrial boiler
The masonry of an industrial boiler is a closed combustion chamber for fuel combustion, and the flame and the heated surface of the boiler are isolated from the outside. Therefore, the masonry structure is required to have heat resistance, heat insulation and sealing properties.
1 furnace wall structure
The furnace wall is composed of two layers inside and outside. The refractory lining wall is made of standard refractory bricks, and the insulated external wall is made of red brick. In order to improve the thermal insulation performance, a heat insulation layer of about 20 mm is left between the refractory brick and the red brick, and the high-quality heat insulation material is filled, or 16 mm diatomite heat-insulating refractory brick is built in the middle. The corners of the four walls of the red brick wall require mutual biting to make the four walls form a whole. The outer wall is hung with a light steel frame on the outside, and some outer walls are not covered with steel frames, which are similar to ordinary brick walls.
The thickness of the furnace wall is 360~730mm, the inner layer is 116~232mm refractory brick, and the outer layer is 240480mm red brick. In the low temperature zone of the flue of the boiler tail, when the flue gas temperature is lower than 500 °C, the furnace walls are all made of red brick.
2 roof structure
The top structure of an industrial boiler is often a vaulted top and a suspended top. The arched roof is composed of arched arch beams, arched bricks, wedge bricks and insulation. The hanging top is composed of steel hanging beams, hanging devices, hanging bricks and insulation layers.
The masonry work of the furnace body shall be carried out in accordance with the technical documents such as the masonry drawings, masonry instructions and masonry materials preparation instructions provided by the boiler manufacturer.

LED display in the library application

2019-10-21 08:59:40 | 高齢社会

In the city, we can often see the full-color display, the large electronic advertisement in the center of the square, the electronic signs on both sides of the street can be seen everywhere, and the electronic display screen is often installed in the entrance of the hotel or in the hall. The electronic display is in the city of China. The use of it has become very common. Nowadays, urban public libraries and university libraries have gradually installed display screens. Many colleges and universities have regarded the library as the landmark building of the school, and the demand for display screens will be stronger. As one of the landmark buildings of the school, the Graphic Information Center plays a prominent role in receiving foreign guests, holding important meetings and even international conferences.
The library's various notices, cultural communication, press releases, holiday greetings, guest greetings, etc., and full-color LED display can be used instead of the banner at the gate. The library often organizes related service publicity activities and various ceremonies in front of the gate. The full-color display screen is used instead of the publicity banner in front of the library door. The content can be quickly and conveniently adjusted according to the activity content, and the staff does not need to manually Operation, play in the background, so that not only saves materials and production costs, but also saves labor.
Replace daily publicity boards. The LED large screen in the foyer plays an important role in daily business work. It can replace a variety of traditional propaganda modes, providing readers with information on admissions, collection use guides, training information, * notifications and announcements. Different display forms can be designed according to different themes. For example, notices and announcements should be simple and conspicuous. They can be red and black, or red and yellow. They should be intuitive as * elements. The instructions and guidelines for admission can be designed to be warm and beautiful. With a background or icon, it can also be played in an animated form; event notifications can be designed to be lively to inspire readers.

What is challenge coin

2019-10-21 08:58:17 | 高齢社会

Seeing this title, many readers may say that they don't even know what a "challenge coin" or how they are used in the modern army. In fact, the use of challenging coins is very common in many fields. In the hands of some domestic military fans who love military collections, there are also many physical collections of challenging coins. In fact, the five armed forces of the US Armed Forces, the federal and state law enforcement agencies, and the fire department all have a long tradition of using such coins. These coins usually carry the logo or motto of the production unit, representing the overall image of the unit and even the core values. And often exchange, display and collect among the members of the unit, instilling a sense of pride from the collective honor for the winners.

“A story about the source of the challenge coin”
The historical roots of the “challenge coin” can be traced back to the generals of the Roman Empire who rewarded soldiers by giving coins to recognize their achievements. The use of the US military, probably from the First World War, was the most common story of the challenge coin from an American fighter pilot who was shot down during the First World War and forced to land on hostile German territory. The pilot was captured and detained in a temporary detention facility, but soon the British bombing gave him a chance to escape. He successfully shunned German patrols in civilian costumes and reached the front line, risking past the no-man's land and discovering a French outpost. Since spies and saboteurs have been plaguing the French, the French think he is a saboteur and is ready to shoot him. Before the execution, he showed his nephew the only personal belongings he carried – a challenge coin from his squadron. A French soldier recognized the American badge on the challenge currency, so they suspended the execution and finally confirmed The true identity of the American pilot. In the end, a bottle of French red wine replaced the bullet that was originally intended for him, all thanks to the challenge coin he brought.

"Challenge the coin to date"
Today, the popularity of the challenge coin has evolved into a symbol of the representation of US military personnel, which is widely used in active, decommissioned, and civilian personnel in the military. Throughout the career of a soldier, it will be possible to encounter and acquire a large number of challenging coins. For example, this year, the US Air Force Academy held a ceremony to award graduation commemorative coins to its students at the time of graduation. All graduates received a special production challenge coin.

"The growing challenge of coin culture"
The US challenge currency culture has been extended to other countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. Some military departments in our country have also produced similar challenge coins, but it is customary to prefer to call him "commemorative coins." The earliest known coin that exists is a simple brass coin, and the sign and text remain so hard to distinguish. Today's military challenge coins have evolved from seemingly simple designs to more complex and colorful varieties, thanks in large part to advances in manufacturing technology that has been perfected over the years. More and more unit leaders have realized that a small, personalized challenge coin can build unity between teams and at the same time promote morale throughout the unit.