Polished tile is a kind of bright tile that is polished on the surface of the whole raw brick.It is one kind of whole bricks.Compared with the whole bricks,the polished tile's surface is much more bright and clean.The polished tile,solid and wear-proof,is suited to be used in the most indoor spaces such as balcony, decoratian on the wall,with the exception of washroom and kitchen.Based on applying "through printing"technique,polished til 2e can be made to imitate stone and wood.
Glazed tile is a kind of new artistic tile polished on the glaze.The glazed tile incorporates the merits of polished tile and the imitations of ancient bricks.It's glaze is as bright and clean as the polished tile's.The designs on the glaze are as richful as the imitations of the ancient bricks,with generous and gorgeous colours. But,as the manufacturing craft is complex,it's price is higher.
1:Difference on the standards.
There are certain differences between the polished tile and glazed tile on the standard and size.Polished tile that is mostly used in sitting room and the like ,is one kind of large tile with the generall size of 600mm800mm;while the glazed tile is one kind of small tile,with the generall size of 300mm-300mm.
2:Difference on colour.
The polished tile's colour is unitary,with little big change.The colours on the tile varies not much.But the story is different on the glazed tile.The glazed tile is glazed after printing the designs,so it is more brightcoloured and also unlimited on colour.
3:Difference on lines.
The lines between polished tile and glazed tile are varied.The veins on the former can not be made pretty small,while veins on the latter can be as thin as the thread on the needle.
4:Difference on the raw brick.
Adobe is the key in distinguishing polished tile and glazed tile.Colour permeates the tile,so colour differs between the surface and the 1to2mm's place bellow the surface .The story varies entirely with glazed tile.Colour can not permeate the brick.Looking at the tile'size, the layers on the glazed tile are distinct ,and the glayer of glaze can be seen clearly.Given here is only one thin coloured layer,that is glazed tile for sure.
5:Difference on wear-proof.
The glazed tile is just covered with one layer of glaze on the polished tile.In comparison,it is more bright and penetrating,but not so wearproof as the polished tile.It is the thick crystal that makes the polished tile's surface more wear-risisting,while the glazed tile's surface is very thin,and not that much wear-proof,it's just one layer of glaze.