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What is a CNC Tapping center ?

2018-06-28 00:48:37 | 高齢社会
The mathematic accuracy and high efficiency needed for manufacturing quality parts is successfully guided in part by computer numerical control (CNC) machines.
A CNC Tapping Center is a numerically controlled machine tool used for machining parts in every industrial field, featuring high speed, high accuracy, and high productivity. Development of Tapping Centers has enabled milling and fine boring in addition to tapping, achieving high productivity, improved machining capabilities, and greater reliability that shatter conventional common sense.

What is skim cotton thread filter

2018-06-28 00:45:48 | 高齢社会
Skim cotton thread filter is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, petroleum, papermaking, medicine, food, mining, electric power, urban, household and other gas fields. Cotton core transport medium filter is indispensable to a device, usually installed in a reducing valve, relief valve, positioning the inlet valve or other equipment, used to eliminate the impurity in the medium, in order to protect the valve and the normal use of equipment, reduce maintenance costs.
When fluid is placed into the cartridge filter, its impurities by filter, and clean the air filter is the filter outlet, when need to be cleaned, as long as the filter cartridge apart, remove the filter element, to reload after cleaning. Therefore, the use and maintenance of Skim cotton thread filter is very convenient.
Maximum allowable pressure: 1bar, 2bar, 6bar, 10bar, 16bar, 25bar
Connection caliber: DN15-DN150
Connection mode: screw / flange
Working temperature: -15 C -+80 C
Filtering accuracy: ≤50μm
Skim cotton thread filter medium: City gas, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, artificial gas and other non corrosive gases.
Installation attention
The cotton core filter should normally be installed before the regulator and must be installed according to the direction of gas flow indicated on it.
The cotton core filter is made up of washable synthetic materials. When installing filters, the lid can be easily opened and cleaned and inspecting easily.
Cotton core filter can be installed on horizontal and vertical pipes, and do not install filters on unstable foundations.
Before the repair, please make sure that there is no gas in the cotton core filter, the filter net is unloaded, washed with soapy water, then naturally dry, and then reinstalled.

How to Make a Water Filter

2018-06-28 00:40:22 | 高齢社会
Water is essential to life. This technique is very useful when you are hunting to survive. People can live up to a week without food, but only two to three days without water. Clean water can be hard to find if you get stranded in the wild or if there is an emergency. If you have to find your own water supply, you must be able to strain out impurities that can make you sick. This article will tell you how to make a water filter.
1.Gather your supplies. You will be making a water filter that relies on layers to make dirty water clean. If you plan on drinking this water, you will need to boil it after you have filtered it.Here is a list of what you will need:
• Plastic bottle with a cap
• Craft knife
• Hammer and nail
• Coffee filter
• Large cup or mug (Either one works)
• Activated charcoal
• Sand
• Gravel
• Container to catch the water (jar, cup, mug, etc)
2.Use a craft knife to cut the bottom inch (2.54 centimeters) or so off of the plastic bottle. Stick the knife into the side of the bottle, and start cutting it slowly. You may find that making short, back-and-forth cuts (like sawing) may be easier.
• If you are a child, ask an adult to help you with this step
• Add handle so that you can hang it while it filters the water. Start by poking two holes near the cut edge of the bottle. Make the holes opposite of each other. Thread a piece of string through the two holes. Tie the string in a knot.
3.Use a hammer and nail to punch a hole in the cap. The hole will help slow down the flow of water and make the filter more effective. If you don't have a hammer or nail, use a craft knife to stab an X shape into the bottle cap.
4.Put the coffee filter over the mouth of the bottle and tighten the cap over it. The coffee filter will keep the activated charcoal inside the bottle and keep it from falling out. The cap will hold the coffee filter in place.
5.Put the bottle cap-side-down into a mug or cup. This will help keep the bottle steady while you fill it. If you don't have a cup or mug, then you can place the bottle down on a table. You will need to hold it steady with one hand.
6.Fill the bottom third of the bottle with activated charcoal. If the charcoal comes in large pieces, you will need to break them down into smaller pieces. Do this by putting the chunks inside a bag, and crushing them with a hard object (such as a hammer). You don't want the chunks to be larger than a pea.
• Charcoal can get very dirty. You can keep your hands clean by wearing some gloves.
7.Fill the middle of bottle with sand. You can use any type of sand you want, but avoid using colored craft sand. Colored sand may leak dyes into the water. Try to make the sand layer about as thick as the charcoal layer. The bottle should be a little more than half-way full by now.
• Try using two types of sand: a fine grained sand and a coarse grained sand. The finer sand will go first, on top of the charcoal. The coarse grained sand will go next, on top of the fine-grained sand. This will create more layers for the water to pass through, and help make it cleaner.
8.Fill the rest of the bottle with a gravel. Leave an inch (2.54 centimeters) or so of empty space between the gravel and the cut part of the bottle. Do not fill the bottle all the way with gravel, or the water may spill over if it does not drain fast enough.
• Try using two types of gravel: a fine grained gravel and a chunky gravel. The fine grained gravel will go first, on top of the sand. The chunky gravel will go next, on top of the fine gravel.

Study shows waste plastic can be converted into energy and fuels

2018-06-25 17:45:12 | 高齢社会
Waste plastic is flooding our landfills and leaking into the oceans, with potentially disastrous effects. In fact, the World Economic Forum predicts that if current production and waste management trends continue, by 2050 there could be more plastic than fishes in the ocean.

Why is this happening when there are processes and technologies that can effectively recycle, convert to valuable products and extract the imbedded energy from these waste plastics? According to Science Advances, as of 2015, of the 6,300 million tons of waste plastic generated in the United States, only 9 percent has been recycled, 12 percent has been incinerated, with the vast majority ? 79 percent ? accumulating in landfills or the natural environment.

The Earth Engineering Center (EEC|CCNY) at the Grove School of Engineering of the City College of New York is on a mission to transform waste plastic to energy and fuels.

A recent EEC study titled "The Effects of Non-recycled Plastic (NRP) on Gasification: A Quantitative Assessment," shows that what we're disposing of is actually a resource we can use. The study, by Marco J. Castaldi, Professor of chemical engineering Director of Earth System Science and Environmental Engineering and Director of the EEC|CCNY and Demetra Tsiamis Associate Director of the EEC|CCNY, explores how adding NRPs to a chemical recycling technology called gasification ? which transforms waste materials into fuels ? adds value.

Adding NRPs to the gasification process helps reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while significantly reducing the amount of waste byproduct to landfill ? by up to 76 percent.

In the study, published by the American Chemistry Council, the effects of increasing the percentage of non-recycled plastics (NRPs) are measured at Enerkem, a Montreal-based energy company, in collaboration with the City of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada.

"This study demonstrates that because carbon and hydrogen rich plastics have high energy content, there is tremendous potential to use technologies like gasification to convert these materials into fuels, chemicals, and other products. We were fortunate to engage a couple of students and engineers from our team enabling them to learn about this novel process," said Castaldi.

Tsiamis added: "Plastics have an end of life use that will be turning waste into energy, which is something we all need and use."

How to tackling tyre taste

2018-06-25 15:14:41 | 高齢社会
With the rapidly growing number of vehicles around the world, the disposal of end-of-life tyres is a growing issue. Often simply dumped by the million to pose a serious environmental, health and fire risk, the technology to recover higher value materials and energy from waste tyres is moving forward.

Figures published by the U.S. Rubber Manufacturers Association estimate that the U.S. - the world's largest producer of ELTs - generated 291.8 million tyres in 2009. With an average weight of 33.4 pounds (15.1 kg) that equates to some 4.4 million tonnes. According to statistics published by the European Tyre & Rubber Manufacturers' Association (ETRMA), in 2010 Europe produced around 2.7 million tonnes of ELTs.

With so many ELTs being produced, as well as the huge stockpiles from the past, waste tyres pose many potential dangers. They can contaminate groundwater, harbour disease carrying mosquitoes in pooled water and they are not only flammable, but once ablaze, extremely difficult to extinguish.

Often the result of arson, fires at tyre dumps are not uncommon. In 1990 Hagersville, Ontario was the scene of one of the worst tyre fires in history. As a mechanised army of fire fighters struggled to gain control of the situation, for 17 days 14 million tyres packed onto the 11 acre site spewed toxic clouds of thick black smoke into the air.

According to the New York Times, in addition to the toxic fumes, around 158,000 gallons (600,000 litres) of oil was released by the melting rubber was collected from the site. Chemical pollutants, suspected to have been caused by the operation to extinguish the fire were also found in the aftermath of the blaze.
In a separate incident an underground dumpsite in Wales, thought to contain around 9 million tyres, burned for an astonishing 15 years following its ignition in 1989.

Because of the hazards associated with scrap tyres, nearly all developed countries regulate their disposal. In the EU, while no single directive or regulation targets ELTs, the Landfill Directive banned them from being disposed of to landfill whole in 2003 and in 2006 banned even their shredded remains from landfill.
In the U.S. 38 states ban whole tyres from landfills, 35 states allow shredded tyres to be landfilled, 11 states ban all tyres from landfill, 17 states allow processed tyres to be placed into monofills (a landfill designated for a the disposal of a single material) and eight states have no restrictions on placing scrap tyres in landfills. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 48 states currently have laws or regulations which specifically deal with scrap tyres.

In the UK, to promote more robust standards in the collection and disposal of end-of-life tyres, and to help eradicate rogue operators, in 1999 the Tyre Industry Federation launched a voluntary initiative, the Responsible Recycler Scheme (RSS). Under the scheme tyres are stored, collected, recycled or reprocessed in line with all UK and UE legislations. Independent audits and full traceability mean that tyres handled by RRS member companies can be tracked throughout the disposal chain. Retailers usually pass the associated costs of the scheme onto the customers, with a disposal surcharge attached to the purchase of a new tyre.

In 2004 the Tyre Recovery Association (TRA) was formed to support the RRS. All TRA members are fully accredited, which guarantees that all tyres collected, recycled or reprocessed by them are disposed of or reused appropriately.

The programme has gone on to become the largest of its kind in Europe and currently handles some 45 million used tyres every year. Other countries including Germany, Switzerland, Austria and New Zealand operate similar voluntary systems, as well as many U.S. states.

Composition and Uses
According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development's Tire Industry Project, which has published a framework for the effective management of ELTs, a typical tyre contains 30 types of synthetic rubber, eight types of natural rubber, eight types of carbon black, steel cord, polyester, nylon, steel bead wire, silica and 40 different kinds of chemicals, waxes, oils and pigments - quite a cocktail.

Containing such a plethora of materials, tyres present a wide range of opportunities. However, in addition to the potential for material recovery, the very high calorific content of ELTs has led to their widespread use as Tyre Derived Fuel (TDF) in cement kilns and energy recovery facilities.
In the U.S. some 4.39 million tons (4 million tonnes) of the 5.17 million tons (4.7 million tonnes) of the waste tyres generated in 2009 were recovered. Of the recovered ELTs, just over 2 million tons (1.8 million tonnes) were sent for energy recovery and around 1.6 million tons (1.45 million tonnes) were recovered as ground rubber for use by a wide range of industries. Interestingly, the report shows that the recovery of materials grew significantly from the 2007 figures, while use as TDF was down by almost half a million tonns per year.
Using traditional recycling techniques, granulated rubber recovered from waste tyres can be used variously as an aggregate, in tiles, adhesives, asphalt, sports surfaces, and extruded rubber products, to name but a few of its uses. And in terms of energy recovery the natural rubber fraction of the tyre can be considered as a renewable energy source.The waste tyre pyrolysis machine is a good way to tackling tyre waste.

The greatest environmental and economic benefits from the treatment of ELTs lie furthest up the waste hierarchy.

Given the expanding global vehicle base, and the consumable nature of tyres, prevention is probably unattainable. Indeed, for the foreseeable future the number of waste tyres being generated globally will continue to grow. And for passenger car tyres, reuse options, such as retreading, are limited.

While the use of tyres as TDF is certainly better than landfilling or stockpiling, there are many interesting projects on the horizon which offer the potential of recovering not only energy or low value materials, but a wide range of high value materials and energy.The waste tyre pyrolysis machine is a good way to tackling tyre waste.