I dreamed that I didn't know why, but Hisashi worked at a crape shop.
I had knew he had worked there, and I bought one.
When I left there, he asked me this had been sold at glay's concert, hadn't it.
He pointed a keyholder I had.
Put it beside, I can't make up my mind...
coz I already wanna stay AUS more, even thou I stayed for just 2months.
I decided to go to farm to get a 2nd working holiday visa...
even if I won't use that , its ok. I earn some money.
and also I have another plan...I call it plan B!!kk
that I go to Korea!! you wanna know why?
just my instincts! I trust my intuition, haha...
it means... sorry for my bf...I won't go back to jpn.
Even if I go back to there, I won't be long time.
that's sucks.
but I can't give up working at tdl, as well...
I wish there was me, another me!!
one stays in AUS, one studies in Korea, one works at tdl, one gets married with my b.f!!!
that's perfect!!!
How I live is nobody knows...as i wish!!!