

Design The Fool Proof Power Button of Remote Control ( Human Factors Class Assignment 2 )

2011-09-29 01:48:21 | 日記
Design power button for decreasing human error.

We must concern about the shape and the place of power button, because it is very important for human to makes mistakes to press the button. So the purposed to decrease product defects by preventing, evaluating, or design attention to human errors.
Power button can be design with a voice recognize sensor or to turn off and turn on the LCD we can use signal sensor to detect what cable plug in the LCD, if have some cable connect in the LCD, that's sensor will check the signal what of kind of signal, if that's signal is RGB,Video or HDMI signal so LCD will turn on automatically. So if that's cable unplug in the LCD will standby until 1 minute after 1 minute don't have cable again plugin, LCD will turn off automatically and completely.
And also with voice recognize user can say's some word to turn on the LCD, for example say's "LCD ON" and LCD will turn ON automatically and say's "LCD OFF" to turn off the LCD.

So in my design have two way to turn on and turn off the LCD. First is with signal sensor inside the LCD, second with voice recognize sensor in remote control of LCD. that is prototype of my design.

Dwi Arman Prasetya
