Are you looking for any 100yen shops in Niigata?
Usually 100yen shops are located in the suburbs especially in Niigata,
so you need to get on a bus,
BUT!! one of them is near Niigata Station!!
Go out of Niigata Station from“South Central Exit (Minami Chuo guchi in Japanese)",
you can see a few old buildings in front of you.
One of them has a plate ”PLAKA 3”on the building.
100yen shop is on the first basement floor.
You can’t miss it!
Hours : 10am-8pm
Closed : 2013.5.21 & 2013.6.18 as of now
Tel : 025-240-2251
Address: 新潟県新潟市中央区天神1−1プラーカ3 B1
1-1Tenjin Chuo-ku Niigata City
from Seria website