Hi, there! I'm sorry for a loooong silence😣. I'll try to update my blog.
Today I went to a soba noodle restaurant called "Kyoto". It's the same pronunciation as a historical city name in West Japan, but written in different kanji.
My husband and I arrived on 12:40, at that time,not so many people, but soon, it was full of customers.
The interior was Japanese style and very very clean!!
We ordered "Tenzaru", which is cold soba noodle and tempura. It cost 1600yen each , a bit expensive, but it came with two big shrimps!! It is a big deal!
Taste was good!
restaurant information (tabelog)
Today I went to a soba noodle restaurant called "Kyoto". It's the same pronunciation as a historical city name in West Japan, but written in different kanji.
My husband and I arrived on 12:40, at that time,not so many people, but soon, it was full of customers.
The interior was Japanese style and very very clean!!
We ordered "Tenzaru", which is cold soba noodle and tempura. It cost 1600yen each , a bit expensive, but it came with two big shrimps!! It is a big deal!
Taste was good!
restaurant information (tabelog)