☆What is the Part time jobs in University student ?
☆Perverse?Twisted?Devious?Contrary? No,no, i only have the evil spirits.
☆What is your memories of graduation?
☆I think about "One item, two sections".
☆What is hedgehog`s smile ?
☆Now is the season for junior high school entrance exams.
☆I feel like I have floaters.
☆This weekend, I have my first volunteer job in 2025.
☆Thirty years have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
☆I became very interested in double fugues.
☆Everyone! Gather under this flag !!
☆Why did I end up joining "OJI" class open to anyone under the age of 25?
☆ Look back on Freuide !! in 2017 !!
☆What is "祥月命日 Showzuki meinichi " called in ENGLISH?
☆You're saying nonsense again. 笑
☆I had a catered lunch ”OBENTO" for lunch.
2002年6月 JFA4級審判員 2005年9月 JFA3級審判員