海外周遊ノマドワーク by CRAFTec Art

海外周遊ノマドワーク by CRAFTec Art

『 How to automatically connect to high-speed free WiFi while traveling in Japan 』

2018年09月23日 15時03分46秒 | 日本

 How to automatically connect to high-speed free WiFi while traveling in Japan


  01: Search

  02: Install

  03: Tap Icon

  04: Next

  05: Next

  06: Permission

  07: Next

  08: Sex & Birthday

  09: Next

  10: OK

  11: Close

  12: Close

  13: WiFi ON

  14: Free WiFi Spot

  15: Terms of WiFi



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(C) CRAFTec Art - design effect - 




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