> (問合わせ商品) ダクロンアクア洗える座布団(超長綿)/45×45 01egwaph45
> ( http://item.rakuten.co.jp/e-futon/01egwaph45/ )
> (問合わせ内容)
> Good Morning!!
> I am looking to purchase four cushion or sitting futons. I want to use
> these as a cushion that I sit on the floor with as I have just purcha
> sed 4 zai so. Can you please inform me that these cushions are suitabl
> e and what would be the postage cost to have these cushions sent to Br
> isbane Australia. Also how long will it take?
> Thank you very much for your assistance.
> Kind Regards
Mr. ***************
Thank you very much for asking.
01egwaph45 cushion is washable.
I recommend the cushion.
The shipping cost of EMS to Australia is 5200 yen. (four cushions)
It takes about 5 days to QLD.
Best regards,
e-ふとん屋さん 布団(ふとん)のやまだ
布団のやまだ やまだ布団(ふとん)店