Collecting English Materials (英語素材募集中!)

General English, Specified English,英語の素材を募集中!

単語を少々 その2 (A few words No.002 (accounting-02))

2012-05-08 22:24:49 | 英語



  1. dividend                     (配当)

  2. stockholders' equity     (株主資本、純資産)

  3. gross margin               (粗利益、売上総利益)

  4. paid-in capital             (払込資本)

  5. accrued expenses         (未払費用)

  6. accrued revenue           (未収収益)

  7. unearned revenue         (前受収益)

  8. prepaid expense           (前払費用)

  9. raw materials               (原料)

 10. work-in-process           (仕掛品)




できましたら、キーワードはaccrued revenueやwork-in-processをお願いします。

How was it?

Please post some words to study (other than accountings are welcomed)!

If possible, I expect key-words are ‘accrued revenue’ and ‘work-in-process’.