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The book I am trying now (Multipliers)

2012-05-05 22:22:56 | 英語

私は、現在「マルチプリエラーズ」(リズ ワイズマン著、ISBN:978-0-06-196439-8)の読破に挑戦している。これはIT Mediaか何かのホームページで見つけたものである。





Now, I'm trying a book named 'multipliers' (The author is Liz Wiseman, ISBN: 978-0-06-196439-8).

This book gives me another world of producing innovative environment.

In short, this book distinguishes an innovation-and-production-increasing environment from ordinary non-productive one.

For most employees, the world of multipliers is a kind of a utopia and can't be seen from them (What a sad!). I also wonder how I can grasp that kind of world.

But, some day (like Martin Luther King Junior), I dream I can get the utopia.