

Hong Kong Revolution: What China is Afraid Of Happy Science Official

2019-09-13 20:11:31 | Happy Science



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 Hong Kong Revolution: What China is Afraid Of  

2019/09/13 に公開
Happy Science Official

"By the way, Hong Xiuquan was a religious leader and revolutionary who was active in the last years of the Qing dynasty.
During that age, there were revolt movements by Buddhists or Muslims, and the Taiping Rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan lasted about fourteen years from 1850 to 1864.
The center of his activities were located in southern China; he moved from Guangzhou toward Nanjing, a "Heavenly city" and the capital of Taiping was the Heavenly Kingdom he tried to establish. His movement was influenced by Christianity.
So a revolution based on the Christian spirit took place on Chinese land, and temporarily the movement touched to the point where it established a nation which seemed to reverse the entire Qing dynasty. Considering that this was a really huge revolution which has been said to have resulted in twenty million deaths,
we can understand why China is afraid of religion. Revolutions often took place from religions, so it's fearful for governors."

 政治評論部門で1位を目指します!真の保守ブログとして!! 現在にほんブログ村の政治評論部門で4位です!! (OUTポイント順で1位 INポイント順で4位です☆)

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