

Hong Kong Revolution: Protect Human Rights and Freedom Based on Faith

2019-09-18 16:15:28 | Happy Science


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 Hong Kong Revolution: Protect Human Rights and Freedom Based on Faith

2019/09/17 に公開

Master Ryuho Okawa Excerpt from Preface for China, Great Country of Illusion
To state it clearly, Xi Jinping venerates Mao Zedong as a kind of guru, and is scheming to take control of the world by the great Chinese Empire, but he has actually no legitimacy that he can rely on. There is no justice in putting Uyghurs in concentration camps and labelling them as terrorists, and he has no right to call the Dalai Lama a dictator, who was chased from the Tibet Autonomous Region. And his "legalism" that tries to legitimize its bad oppressive politics against people in Hong Kong is nothing more than a sham. There will be a vast sterile land, a devil’s empire. Taiwan shouldn’t be absorbed and annexed by China. Human rights and freedom based on faith should be protected.

大川隆法總裁先生 節錄自 虛像的大國 中國 (中国 虚像の大国)
若是說得清楚一點習近平將毛澤東奉為教祖一般這個試圖支配世界的大中華帝國的中國國家主席完全沒有任何正當性將維吾爾自治區的人們稱為恐怖份子並將其隔離 如此行徑不存在正義並且被趕出西藏自治區的達賴喇嘛他亦沒有權利稱其為獨裁者正當化鎮壓香港人們的惡政之「法治主義」亦是虛假的那真是一片廣大的不毛之地惡魔的帝國台灣絕對不應被中國併吞我們必須要保護基於信仰的人權和自由

 政治評論部門で1位を目指します!真の保守ブログとして!! 現在にほんブログ村の政治評論部門で4位です!! (OUTポイント順で1位 INポイント順で4位です☆)

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