


2020-10-25 08:10:28 | 音楽


<Bio of composer Hidenori Ochiai>

Hidenori Ochiai was born in 1967.
Mr,Ochiai studied composition with John Cage, Terry Riley, Geoege Russell and so forth.
Mr,Ochiai studied at New England conservatory of Music(U.S.A), Berklee college of Music(U.S.A), Harvard University(U.S.A), Keio University(Japan,Law department) and so forth.
French language study at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Japan).
He holds graduate degree.
Harmony and counterpoint study with James Hoffman, people of Paul Hindemith.
Lydian chromatic and tonal organization study with Geoege Russell.  
Composition master class with Pierre Boulez at the Carnegie Hall.
Master class and composition class with Lukas Foss,György Ligeti , Michael Tippett, Witold Lutosławski ,Milton Babbitt, Luciano Berio, Betsy Jolas and so forth.
Microtonal music study with Joseph Maneri.
Composition class with Japanese composer Akira Miyoshi,former president of Toho school of music in Tokyo,Japan.
Composition meeting and study with George Benjamin, Marco Stroppa (Former head of composition department at Paris conservatoire) at IRCAM in France. 
Mr,Ochiai got more than 10 of his new pieces performance at the Carnegie recital hall in New York (U.S.A) and received a rave review like beauty quality of Mr, Ochiai's piece is  almost same level of one of the top composer of 20th century French composer Olivier Messiaen's piece from New York times.
Performances and commissions includes Leningrad philharmonic(Russia), Czech philharmonic(Czech),Sofia philharmonic(Burgaria) member, member from Houston symphony(U.S.A) and Cleveland symphony(U.S.A) associate  , Tokyo University of fine arts, Prague opera associate(Czech), Winner Prague spring(Czech), Winner Queen Elizabeth competiton,Winner Tchaikovsky competiton ,performer from top film composer Francis Lai's ensemble(He is a composer of the movie “Man and Woman") (France) and  so forth,
Mr,Ochiai was the first Japanese composer who got premier and recording of his piece officially by Leningrad Philharmonic(Russia) and received a certificate from Russia. 
Light music production with a world renowned top American producer of singers like Stevie Wonder,Whitney Houston and so forth in New York (U.S.A).
Produce recording of compositions by Japanese composer Ryuichi  Sakamoto with European performer in 90's.(Mainly Sakamoto's art composition)
Mr,Ochiai is a winner of international competition of composition.(Cash prize $25,000)
Mr,Ochiai is listed as a composer in Ongaku Nenkan (Encyclopedia of classical musician in Japan) published by Ongaku no tomo sha in Japan from 1997.
Mr,Ochiai is a member of BMI,classical composer section (U.S.A).


-Comment- Mr,Ochiai's information is very hard to find out in internet and so forth, because of his very far way of life from cyber environment like computer internet.




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