
2023-06-04 | 日記

新緑が濃くなっていくことを 深緑と言います


木々のきらめきに 心癒されます

都会の中心でも 自然にふれることのできる場所があります

JR大阪駅北側の複合ビル群「グランフロント大阪」も 広場や 水と緑が豊かな庭園など

ゆっくりと過ごせる空間があり 都会のオアシスですね 



The darkening of fresh green is called dark green.

June is that kind of season.

I am healed by the sparkle of the trees.

There are places where you can touch nature in the center of the city.

Grand Front Osaka, a group of complex buildings on the north side of JR Osaka Station, such as a square and a garden rich in water and greenery.

There is a space where you can relax, and it's an urban oasis.

It's also nice to walk around reminiscent of a cafe in Paris.
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