あの『ボブ・ディラン自伝 クロニクルズ』の頃のものなんで聴きたいのです。
1. He Was a Friend Of Mine
2. Riding in My Car
3. Man On The Street
4. Song to Woody
5. Talkin' Bear Mountain Massacre
6. Pretty Polly
7. The Story of East Orange
CD Description
This is the first Dylan recording made at the New York City folk music club called The Gaslight Cafe' and represents one of the first ever recorded Dylan concerts and marks the first known recorded concert of Dylan performing an original song.
Disc: 1
1. Baby Please Don t Go
2. Man Of Constant Sorrow
3. Candy Man
4. Hard Time In New York Town
5. I Ain't Got No Home
6. I Was young When I Left Home
7. Stealin'
8. Poor Lazarus
9. It's Hard To Be Blind
10. In The Evening
11. Naomi Wise
12. Wade In The Water
13. Dink's Song
Disc: 2
1. Sally Girl
2. Baby Let Me Follow You Down
3. Cocaine
4. Gospel Plow (Hold On)
5. Long John
6. Black Cross
7. See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
8. Ramblin' Around
9. VD Waltz
10. VD Blues
11. VD City
12. VD Gunner's Blues
CD Description
On December 22, 1961, just a month following completion of his self-titled Columbia debut LP, Bob Dylan visited the Minneapolis apartment of his friend Bonnie Beecher, where he recorded some 26 songs to reel-to-reel tape. Known previously by the somewhat confusing catch-all Minnesota Hotel Tape, this material remains one of the seminal sessions of Dylan's career, official or otherwise.
The Minneapolis Party Tape
1. Ramblin Round
2. Death Don t Have No Mercy
3. It s Hard To Be Blind
4. This Train (Is Bound For Glory)
5. Harmonica solo
6. Talking Fish
7. Pastures of Plenty
8. This Land Is Your Land
9. Two Trains Runnin
10. Wild Mountain Thyme
11. Howdido
12. Car, Car (Riding In My Car)
13. Don t Push Me Down
14. Come See
15. I Want My Milk
16. San Francisco Bay Blues
17. A Long Time A-Growin
18. Devilish Mary
19. Railroad Bill
20. Will the Circle Be Unbroken
21. Man of Constant Sorrow
22. Pretty Polly
23. Railroad Boy
24. James Alley Blues
25. Bonnie, Why d You Cut My Hair?
CD Description
By May 1961 Bob Dylan had been living in New York and working the Greenwich Village cafe's and folk clubs for nearly five months. With the harsh winter now gone, Dylan decided it was time to return north to Hibbing, Minnesota to spend some time with his parents. While en route, Bob stopped off in Minneapolis to visit some of the friends he had made during his time at college there. This would be the first of several visits to Minneapolis and a pattern would soon emerge. Whenever he returned, Bob would crash in the apartment of Bonnie Jean Beecher, a girl he had dated while in college, and Dylan would thereafter jokingly refer to her apartment as either the Beecher Hotel or Minneapolis Hotel . These forays to Minneapolis enabled Dylan to use a friend s tape recorder to capture what progress he had made musically during his time in New York. Eager to demonstrate how much he had learned while living in the Big Apple, he performed on several occasions for his old friends, and the so-called Minnesota Party Tape is the combined result of either two or, more probably, three of these May sessions. Whilst this tape illustrate how much Dylan had progressed in the four months since he left Minneapolis for New York, his performances still consisted of blues, folk and Guthrie numbers with only the final song, Bonnie, Why d You Cut My Hair? , being an eccentric Dylan original. As one of the earliest documents of Dylan s musicianship however it captures the birth of an icon, and thus provides essential listening for everyone with even a hint of interest in the genesis of Bob Dylan and of popular music more generally.
Product Description
Some of the very earliest Dylan tracks recorded on a friend's tape recorder in Bonnie Jean Beecher apartment in Minneopolis 1961. 25 tracks.
gensenkan99 幻泉館主人 2:34
[イルコモンズのふた。] ▼仙谷由人「サイレントマジョリティーは発言しないからな!」 ▼「原発再稼働で“影の司令塔”が前面に 仙谷氏に反発も」 illcomm.exblog.jp/15743989/ この男、どうやら「巨悪」に魂を売り渡したらしい。
masaru_kaneko 金子勝 2:02
Gabicyou Yoshiki Fujiwara 2:02
gensenkan99 幻泉館主人 0:30
へえ。 > 掲示板のリンクで名誉毀損認定 東京高裁、発信者の情報開示命令 47news.jp/CN/201204/CN20…
nobuyoyagi Nobuyo Yagi 八木啓代 4/18 15:36
masaru_kaneko 金子勝 4/18 15:20