ロシアの手作りベリョーフ パスチラ クラシック。MADE OF CLASSIC BELYOV PASTILA 85g
ロシアから直輸入。 つい日本に上陸した!
Приятного аппетита! (お召し上がれ!)
Belyov pastila is exclusive hand made
product. It is made of special apples
(Antonov’s) and according to invariable
unique technology. Very simple
ingredients such as apple and sugar turn
into a lush, fragrant slice of pastila is real
magic. To this day, craftsmen at the factory
prepare pastille according to the auntetic
traditions, on birch wood in a 19th-century
Russian stove. Just imagine! This is how
natural ingredients, craftsmanship and a
time-tested recipe create the true taste of
With healthy benefits
Belyov classical pastila from the
manufacturer «Belyov pastila
Manufactory» is not only a very tasty, but
also healthy type of sweets:
1. Belyov pastila is prepared manually in a
Russian wooden oven. It has no chemical
adding’s or taste enhancers — therefore,
Pastila can not bring any harm to the body.
2. Delicacy is prepared from apple puree,
also hand-cooked of apples from Russian
farms, that is why the pastila contains a
large amount of pectin.
Pectin helps to clear human body from
toxins, reduces amount of «harmful»
cholesterol, normalizes metabolism and
ロシアから直輸入。 つい日本に上陸した!
Приятного аппетита! (お召し上がれ!)
ロシアの手作りベリョーフ パスチラ クラシック MADE OF CLASSIC BELYOV PASTILA 85g :aidi002:AIDI - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング
ロシアから直輸入。 つい日本に上陸した!パスチラ(пастила)は、古くから楽しまれていたロシアの焼きリンゴのお菓子で、少しだけマシュマロ...
Belyov pastila is exclusive hand made
product. It is made of special apples
(Antonov’s) and according to invariable
unique technology. Very simple
ingredients such as apple and sugar turn
into a lush, fragrant slice of pastila is real
magic. To this day, craftsmen at the factory
prepare pastille according to the auntetic
traditions, on birch wood in a 19th-century
Russian stove. Just imagine! This is how
natural ingredients, craftsmanship and a
time-tested recipe create the true taste of
With healthy benefits
Belyov classical pastila from the
manufacturer «Belyov pastila
Manufactory» is not only a very tasty, but
also healthy type of sweets:
1. Belyov pastila is prepared manually in a
Russian wooden oven. It has no chemical
adding’s or taste enhancers — therefore,
Pastila can not bring any harm to the body.
2. Delicacy is prepared from apple puree,
also hand-cooked of apples from Russian
farms, that is why the pastila contains a
large amount of pectin.
Pectin helps to clear human body from
toxins, reduces amount of «harmful»
cholesterol, normalizes metabolism and