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2008-07-18 19:01:17 | ヤリタイo(^∇^)oホーダイ














14 July 2008
Japan: Environmental activists must be treated in accordance

withinternational law Amnesty International has expressed its deep concern to the prime ministerof Japan about the detention of two Greenpeace activists,
Junichi Sato andToru Suzuki who have been charged with theft and trespass.

Amnesty International said: “These two must be allowed to challenge theirdetention before an independent and impartial court in proceedings whichmeet international standards of fairness.
“It is imperative that their rights to freedom from arbitrary deprivationof their liberty are fully respected, in accordance with internationalhuman rights treaties to which Japan is a state party.
“We also ask that an independent, impartial and thorough investigation isbegun into their arrests and that the findings of the investigation bemade public.”

Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki were arrested on 20 June; they were initiallydetained by Japanese prosecutors for 13 days on suspicion of trespass andtheft.
Their detention without charge or trial was extended by ten days. On 11 July, as the maximum period for their continued pre-charge detentionwas due to expire,
they were charged with theft and trespass. Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki are cooperating fully with the police andprosecution.
They have provided written depositions to the publicprosecutor, and voluntarily and proactively submitted relevant evidence.
They acted with a view to raising public awareness around the Japanesegovernment-sponsored Southern Ocean whaling programme,
rather than forillegitimate personal gain, while working for a well-respectedinternational organization.

“We are also concerned that their detention, the charges against them, andthe police raids on Greenpeace’s office and the homes of five of its staffare aimed at intimidating both activists and non-governmentalorganizations.
“We ask the Japanese prime minister to make a clear statement assuringhuman rights defenders, including environmental activists such as JunichiSato and Toru Suzuki and organizations such as Greenpeace,
that theirright to engage in peaceful activities without intimidation or harassmentwill be respected by the state, including the justice system.”

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