Smart Speaker Prototype AIY Voice Kit Unboxing
(2020-07-28 11:02:51 | Google AIY)
Google AIY is an artificial intelligence... -
Why being engaged in 5G? Talking about Edge AI and Model Play
(2020-07-21 11:52:24 | Google AIY)
5G will change the world, which will not... -
Edge Computing and Local AI, Google Coral Hardware is too Modest Compared to Intel
(2020-07-15 11:24:08 | Google AIY)
AI enables machines to perform various t... -
Google Coral USB Accelerator Installation Guide
(2020-07-10 11:09:24 | Google AIY)
Google Coral USB accelerator is a USB de... -
The Chinese Version of the AI Model Platform - Model Play, is Officially Open to Developers!
(2020-07-07 11:39:31 | Google AIY)
Model Play is the first AI model platfor... -
TensorFlow and PyTorch: Who is the best development framework?
(2020-07-03 14:38:08 | Google AIY)
Gradient recently published a blog that ... -
Google Edge TPU New Hardware Device Coral Mini PCIe Accelerator Overview
(2020-07-01 14:05:38 | Google AIY)
Mini PCIe Accelerator: PCIe device that ... -
Google Coral Edge TPU USB Accelerator to Get Started Experience
(2020-06-28 12:05:43 | Google AIY)
Coral BetaTPU, also known as Tensor Proc... -
Edge AI performance: Google Edge TPU chip Vs. NVIDIA Nano
(2020-06-23 11:35:28 | Google AIY)
HardwareThe device I am interested in is... -
April update from Coral
(2020-06-19 10:25:12 | Google AIY)
Beta API for model pipelining with multi... -
Manufacturing more efficiently
(2020-06-16 12:26:53 | Google AIY)
Local AI can maximize throughput and inc... -
AAEON Technology Inc. and Gravity Link Technology co., LTD Have Successfully Reached Cooperation
(2020-06-10 15:30:57 | Google AIY)
Shenzhen Gravity Link Technology Co., Lt... -
Google Coralデモ:Google Coral開発ボードのフラッシュ
(2020-03-09 18:23:16 | Google Coral Edge TPU)
Coral Edge TPU開発ボードは印象的なシステムですが、有用なAI / ... -
GoogleのRaspberry PiのようなCoral:新しいCoral Dev Board Miniと小さなAcceleratorに会う
(2020-02-28 18:03:18 | Google Coral Edge TPU)
GoogleはCoralのラインナップを拡大し、... -
Google Edge TPU推論の概要
(2020-02-27 18:23:35 | Google Coral Edge TPU)
Edge TPUはTensorFlow Liteモデルのみと... -
Google EDGE TPUが農業を改善する方法
(2020-02-27 17:43:41 | Google Coral Edge TPU)
Coralは、ローカライズされたAIを使用して製品を構築する一連の開発デバイスで... -
Google Edge TPUが医療業界を構築
(2020-02-26 18:01:04 | Google Coral Edge TPU)
Google Coralシリーズのデバイスには、エッジでTensorFlow L... -
Google Coral産業ソリューション: スマート製造
(2020-02-25 16:48:23 | Google Coral Edge TPU)
高速、低遅延、高精度工業生産ラインの品質管理から人間と機械の相互作用のセキュリテ... -
Google Coral産業ソリューション:スマートシティ
(2020-02-25 16:22:15 | 人工知能)
Coralは、ローカライズされたAIを使用して製品を構築する一連の開発デバイスで... -
世界最小の人工知能モジュール-Coral Accelerator Module
(2020-02-24 18:07:09 | Google Coral Edge TPU)
Murata Electronics Americasは最近、Googleと提携...